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On Not Getting Complacent

On Not Getting Complacent

Posted on: Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Oh hi, hello, it's me again. 

I took a blogging break last week because I'd fallen into that awful trap of not getting anything ready for a post until the day before, rushing to get it all done and then not being 100% happy with the result (not that I am EVER 100% happy with anything I do, sucks to be a creative type eh?). I also wanted to have a little refocus, to make sure that everything I was doing was 'me' enough. 

Although I am very much team don't-be-too-hard-on-yourself, I do think it's important to do a bit of self-evaluation every now and then and to not get complacent in anything you're doing. And complacent is definitely what I'd become. Complacent at work, complacent with my blog and complacent with life in general; simply letting the weeks tick over and not doing much else. 

In a way, complacency is a nice feeling; you know you could happily carry on exactly as you are and life would be just, well, fine. But with complacency comes a loss of passion in what you're doing, the lack of a challenge and I don't want my life to be just fine. If you're feeling in a bit of a rut, take a break and spend some time refocusing because actually, exciting things can come from that.

Complacency makes me feel sluggish, like I'm just going through the motions week after week and almost just watching my own life go by. It's a very easy trap to fall into because there's no feeling of pressure to change and essentially there's no need to change, but as a person (and as the human race in general I think) I'm always craving more. Sometimes this is a negative thing because I feel like I should be doing more, achieving more and I end up putting unnecessary pressure on myself to succeed (whatever succeeding may be, but that's a whole other kettle of fish). I've spoken about being in that situation before, but that's not the only thing that can come from kicking complacency. It can also inspire you to try something new, put the passion back into something you already enjoy and essentially mean you get more from life.

Amy x 


  1. That sounds great, I'm so rubbish with plants so could do with the tips! Have signed up!
    Have a lovely day :)
    Rosanna x
    Rose's Rooftop

    1. Aw thank you so much for signing up lovely! Hope you like it xx

  2. Your new venture sounds like fun! :) I think it's good to try new things now and then.

    Hope that you are hav‌ing a lovely week so far :)

    Away From The Blue Blog

    1. I'm definitely going to have so much fun creating it! Hope you're having a good week too xx

  3. Random request for the newsletter but I'd love to know WHERE you can get certain ones from, does it have to be a garden centre or could you get it at Wilko's etc? Excited for your new newsletter! xx

    1. Oooh I can definitely do something around that! Thanks for the request! xx

  4. This was a really thought provoking piece! I have been way more relaxed with blogging lately than I have ever been, I haven't really been sticking to a schedule and sometimes I even write posts and publish on the same day - past me a year ago would've been horrified haha! I'm definitely trying to make sure my newly chilled schedule doesn't make me complacent though, especially when it comes to quality photos - I'm planning my Instagram like nobody's business, trying to make the feed come together well! Trying to strike a balance between not putting too much pressure on yourself and not adopting an "eh, that'll have to do" attitude is definitely something that needs a bit of negotiation!

    Abbey xx

    1. There's such a fine balance between making sure you don't put too much pressure on yourself and also not getting complacent! I think as soon as something feels like a chore it needs to be reassessed! xx

  5. can't wait for your newsletter xx

  6. This is such a great blog post Amy and something that serves as a great reminder to us all! I always try to remind myself that when life feels as though it's stagnating, it's time to start some new ventures and challenge ourselves! Good luck with your new fortnightly newsletter babe :) x

    1. New ventures really keep things fresh! Thanks gal xx


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