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Redefining My Personal Style

Redefining My Personal Style

Posted on: Sunday, 26 August 2018

I wrote recently about being in a bit of a style rut; I ended up having a huge clear out of my wardrobe and had a fair bit of time off from clothes shopping because I generally find that if I'm in a rut with anything, it helps to take a step back. Now I know being in a style rut is very much a first world problem, and yes boo hoo poor Amy didn't know what to wear, but the way I dress actually massively affects my self-confidence and if I'm not feeling my outfit, I'm not really feeling myself.

I've always raved about how much I love personal style because I think everyone should wear whatever they want without any judgement, but somewhere along the way I think I actually lost a sense of what personal style means and began massively restricting myself. I found myself disregarding things that didn't 'fit' with what I saw as my style and I actually started feeling less comfortable with myself because I wasn't wearing things that made me feel good.

The moral of the story is, personal style doesn't have to mean choosing your style and sticking with it; it's ever-changing, experimental and, most importantly, non-restrictive. It's wearing whatever makes you feel good, whether it's something you'd usually wear or not. I'd got very much stuck in the mindset that my summer style was all about floaty floral dresses and whereas I do love a good dress, I'm often more comfortable in something a lot more casual.

Jeans - Topshop | Jacket - Asos (sold out) | Top - Boohoo

With that in mind, I made an Asos order (obviously) fully made up of things that were far too cool for me (or so my restrictive style brain told me). Some of the things definitely were too cool for me (orange jumpsuit that was so wide-legged it looked like a parachute anyone?), but some of the things stuck, including this dreamy oversized denim jacket. The thing about experimenting with clothes that you think are too cool for you is that sometimes they actually have the power to make you feel really, well, cool. (Side note: I swear I am the only person in the world to still use the word 'cool' non-sarcastically to describe something other than temperature.)

This was the first outfit I'd worn in a while that made me feel really good about myself, proof that you can wear all the pretty floral dresses summer can throw at you, but sometimes you just need some stripes and a bit of oversized denim to feel like you.

There's not really a point to this post, other than to say hey, I was in a style rut and now I'm not so will hopefully be back with more regular style content and also to say don't let the trends get you down (I'm talking to you summer dresses); and to quote one of the most overused, but one of the best phrases, YOU DO YOU.

Amy x

Photography: Olivia Lennon


  1. Loving this. What gorgeous photos and that jacket is just dreamy xxx

  2. I'm totally in one at the moment too!! It's so tough. I love this look on you! x

    1. Oh it's so annoying isn't it! Thanks lovely xx

  3. what a stunning look! LOVE the photographs x
    have a wonderful day!

    1. Thank you so much, I had a very good photographer! xx

  4. Gorgeous photos, that jacket is amazing! I know what you mean about being in a style rut and being too restrictive, I had a phase where I only put clothes that were massively different from the ones I already had and in the end I missed buying casual clothes and shirts with stripes. What I'm wearing also affects my self-confidence a lot, clothes are such a bit part of self-expression. xx

    1. Thank you! It's weird isn't it, sometimes going back to basics can be the best thing to do! xx

  5. Amyyyyy:
    1) This jacket - I love!
    2) THESE PHOTOS. They are amazing!
    Exclamation marks aside, I've had a bit of a style rut this summer too (as well as an everything else rut) and I feel ready for it to end. I'm actually feeling quite excited about dressing for the new season even though I hate the cold, which is a good start I suppose! 'Dont let the trends get you down' is an excellent phrase to keep in mind xxx

    Sophie | Sophar So Good

    1. Eee thanks gal :) I'm feeling you on the everything rut, I hate the cold too but I'm actually so ready for September because I feel like it'll bring me a little refresh! xx

  6. Ohh these pictures are so amazing babe.
    Maggie Dallospedale

  7. Great pictures and post! I totally agree that you don't ever have to pick your style and stick with it for life. This post also reminded me that I actually haven't done any clothes shopping in months so maybe an ASOS order is on the way!!
    Have a lovely day :)
    Rosanna x
    Rose's Rooftop

    1. Ooooh an ASOS order is always a good idea! xx

  8. Coming out of a ''style rut'' can feel SO refreshing, right?! Happy to hear you're feeling revitalised Amy; perhaps it's thanks to a change in the seasons being just around the corner? :) x

    1. Quite possibly - my most recent Asos order definitely took an autumnal turn! xx

  9. I love your style so much, and you look like a dream here x


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