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Sustainable Book Recommendations

Sustainable Book Recommendations

Posted on: Sunday, 5 March 2023

hands holding some soil and a growing plant

Yes, another post about books...I'm trying to make a conscious effort not to overdo it with the motherhood content because I don't want that to become the sole focus of this blog when there is so much more I like to write about, but motherhood is so all consuming and the only other thing I seem to be doing at the moment is reading, so for now the book content is coming thick and fast! 

So I thought why not combine two things I love to write about; books and sustainability. I've read a fair few books about sustainability now so thought I'd do a little round up of some of my favourites.

The Sustainable(ish) Living Guide by Jen Gale // This would make the top spot for me so if you read any of these make it this one! Light-hearted and with a focus on the fact that we can't do everything or be perfect (hence the 'ish') this is full of useful and practical tips broken down into different areas of daily life. It feels very manageable, non-judgemental and would be easy to dip in and out of to make changes as and when you want. I've got the parenting version of this book waiting on my TBR pile!

Is It Really Green? by Georgina Wilson-Powell // This is another practical one that covers pretty much every scenario you could come across in everyday life and what the most sustainable choice is in each one. It's maybe not a read all in one go book because I did that and then promptly forgot half of what I'd just read due to the sheer volume of scenarios, but very useful to flick through and refer to specific sections as you go! I like to make small changes one at a time in different areas of my life so this is very useful for that.

A Life On Our Planet by David Attenborough // A much heavier read than the first two, this is much more facts and figures and will most probably give you a bit of a kick up the bum if you need one. It makes you realise just how at breaking point the climate crisis is and it'll definitely make you want to up your eco game. Not one to read before bed unless morbid thoughts send you to sleep.

Who Cares Wins by Lily Cole // Another heavier read and there is a lot of theory in this one, but another one that will give you a kick up the bum to make some eco changes. It was extremely well written and although it took me a while to get through because of the heaviness of it and the fact that it was a fairly difficult read jargon-wise, I felt much better and more informed for having read it! 


  1. I love anything David Attenborough, I can't wait for his new show Sunday! I will deof take a look at these in my local library. x

    1. Cannot beat a David Attenborough programme! X

  2. These are great sustainable book recommendations, anything written by David Attenborough is a winner in my eyes! x

    Lucy Mary

  3. I love the sound of sustainable-ish. It feels like exactly the type of way we're trying to be at home. I'm very much in the every little helps camp when it comes to sustainability. We can never do it all, or be on it all of the time. This book sounds perfect for me. X

    1. It basically recognises that we can't do everything and that every little helps, which is definitely me! x

  4. The David Attenborough book is currently in my basket ready to read!

  5. I'm with you on the being consumed by motherhood aspect. I wish I could get back into reading but I just don't find the time working full time and raising two kiddos!

    1. It's difficult isn't it, I don't know when people find the time! X


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