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The Lazy Girl's Guide To Getting Ready

The Lazy Girl's Guide To Getting Ready

Posted on: Wednesday 9 May 2018

Playsuit* - Tessies (in store) | T-shirt - Pull and Bear | Shoes* - Boohoo | Bag - Topshop  (old) | Earrings - Primark 

When it comes to prioritising my time in a morning, I put having a good breakfast, squeezing in as much shut eye as possible and, I'll admit it, having a good scroll on Instagram ahead of any prepping and preening. It's not that I don't get up early enough, it's that I spend most of my time procrastinating and doing anything apart from what I actually need to. That means that I'm sometimes left with a limited amount of time to actually make myself presentable to the world, which despite having spent a good half hour lying in bed after my alarm has gone off, always seems to take me by surprise and results in a bit of a rush around. Because of this trend, I've got getting ready quickly down to a fine art (ish) so I thought I'd share my general routine for any similarly lazy gals/procrastination experts. And as a case in point, these photos are from my trip to Stamford with Sophie, where I had to leave the house relatively early, but for some reason decided to only give myself an hour to get ready, have breakfast and decide on three outfits to take with me.

S T E P  O N E  |  Don't snooze your alarm (soz most of you will probably disagree, but I am a passionate anti-snoozer). Instead, use the time that you could have been snoozing doing something productive such as scrolling through Instagram, wishing people you haven't seen for ten years a happy birthday on Facebook and tweeting about how you are still in bed, but should probably get up.

S T E P  T W O  Enjoy a leisurely breakfast in your pyjamas, complete with a nice coffee as pudding. During this time you've probably got time to watch an episode of something trashy, or alternatively, complete your next challenge on Hogwarts Mystery.

S T E P  T H R E E  On your way to have a shower, end up back in bed just for five minutes, OK probably ten, just so you can sit and summon up the energy to get on with your day.

S T E P  F O U R  It's shower time and you forgot that it was hair wash day so you're suddenly feeling a little panicked because you hadn't quite factored that into the mix when you were sitting doing nothing five minutes ago. You've probably still got time to leave your conditioner in for five minutes though, yeah definitely.

You may have noticed (or if you haven't then you probably think I'm a right knob) that this post has been rather tongue in cheek so far and not so much of a guide to getting ready as a guide on how not to get ready (aka how I currently go about it). From here on in though, it gets serious because whether you spend the first part of your morning procrastinating like me or you simply spend a little too long in bed, this second part is how I actually get ready in somewhat of a hurry.

S T E P  F I V E  Time to get dressed. Luckily for you, past Amy laid out your clothes the night before. Done in thirty seconds. Life hack: always lay your clothes out the night before kids.

S T E P  S I X  Makeup is probably the longest step, so you can leave your hair to start drying naturally in a towel while you do it (hence saving time in the next step). Get a go-to fuss-free makeup routine that you can have down in five minutes. 

S T E P  S E V E N  Give your hair a once over with a hairdryer then shove it back in a messy low bun and you are good to go sailor. (Not entirely sure where the sailor thing came from, but it sounded good in my head). The 'purposefully' messy look being hip comes in handy when you genuinely don't have time to do your hair.

S T E P  E I G H T  |  If you've followed the past seven steps correctly, you should always have five minutes to spare before leaving the house. This is for any final touches such as perfume and jewellery, any last minute wees and also for stopping to think about whether you have everything you need before you leave. Many a good prepared lunch has been left behind due to rushing out of the house.

How do you get ready in a hurry?

Amy x

Photos: Sophie

Products marked with an asterisk (*) were kindly gifted to me.


  1. These photos are loooovely, Amy! (Well done Soph too!). I hate hitting the snooze button too, it’s hard to get up but I always feel better than if I’ve fallen back asleep, hate that groggy feeling. I’m obsessed with Hogwarts mystery!

    1. It's so good isn't it! I saw you tweet today, I think you must be further along/better than me haha! xx

  2. I always get ready quickly cause I’m a lover of my bed and will literally stay in it as long as possible 😂

  3. What a great guide! I always forget when it's hair wash day!!
    Have a lovely day :)
    Rosanna x
    Rose's Rooftop

    1. Thanks Rosanna! I forget until I look in the mirror haha! xx

  4. Love this post!! I'm a total no-snooze-button-hitting girl too! I'll always lay in bed and have a scroll through my social medias instead. xx

    Lucy |

    1. Thanks lovely! Yeah I do exactly that, I can't stand snoozing, makes me feel so groggy!xx

  5. Great tips! I always get ready in a rush too, mostly because I'm on here! I set my alarm very early but then work on my blog, comment on blogs, scroll through instagram for ages and then leave myself barely any time for shower/getting dressed and breakfast ... and with that said I really should go shower!

    1. Yeah I'm exactly the same! Haha hope you got ready in time! x

  6. I used to ALWAYS lay my outfit out the night before but have become really slack at it recently and its actually amazing the difference it makes to my's not that it takes me ages to decide really, just that at that time in the morning I'm too flustered to do anything other than throw clothes around the place in a panic. Fuss free make up routine is an essential! xxx (p.s I enjoy that I am a little red blob in the reflection of the sunglasses in your pocket haha)

    Sophie | Sophar So Good

    1. Yeah it's weird, I'm sure I could easily decide what to wear but for some reason I stand there for ages in a daze haha! Those sunglasses are so super relflective, you were a little red blob in quite a few haha! Arty isn't it haha xx

  7. Fist of all, you look stunning - that playsuit looks gorgeous on you! Also, I love your getting ready guide. I wish I would lay out my clothes the night before but I don't think I'll ever have the motivation to do that aha. And my messy bun only looks perfect when I'm relaxing at home, never when I actually want to leave the house. My morning routine consists of waking up (and yeah, checking Instagram obviously), putting make up, accepting my hair as it is as I don't have to do much with it and having breakfast whilst watching some high quality TV series, like Love Island, you know. xx

    1. Haha yeah that sort of high quality TV sometimes makes it into my morning routine too! I always just have to accept my hair as it is! x

  8. This is pretty helpful dear
    I am not a morning person too.

    Btw, looking great on this outfit plus cute bag

    Much Love,
    Jane | The Bandwagon Chic

    1. Thank you! The bag is so old now but I still love it xx

  9. I hate hitting the snooze button, but it gotta be done. Ha!! I prepare some of the things (E.g packed lunch for work and outfits for work and my son's school stuff)) the night before so it makes things a bit easier in the morning.
    You look wonderful. Love how effortless this outfit is. Great ensemble! :-)

    1. Yesss I always prepare a packed lunch too! Thank you so much :) xx


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