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5 Ways to Make the Most of Life

5 Ways to Make the Most of Life

Posted on: Sunday, 1 January 2017

Photo by Leone Venter on Unsplash

I've recently come to realise that there are some (aka a lot) of things that are actually completely out of our control and all we can do is make sure we do our best with what is in our control and put our best efforts into making our own lives and the lives of those around us the happiest we can make them. Here are some small ways I'm going to be doing just that (hopefully)...

1 - Don't sweat the small stuff. I am a class A worrier, although you probably wouldn't think so as I'm pretty good at keeping a calm demeanor . I'm sure many people can relate to worrying about even the smallest of things, but in 2017 I'm going to make a real effort to try and let go a bit more.

2 - See more of the people who matter. My two best friends are at opposite ends of the country and I really haven't seen them enough this year. When we do see each other it's like nothing has changed and we do talk all the time, but next year is the year I regularly travel to each end of country to see them.

3 - Give yourself some love. I'm sure I'm one of many who runs around like a headless chicken trying to get a million and one tasks done, only to feel like I've never achieved enough. This is the year that's going to stop. For starters I'm going to dedicate one evening a week just to me. Whether I just curl up and watch a film, have a bath or some other equally exciting thing, it'll be a night where I don't do anything but relax and enjoy myself.

4 - Embrace your hobbies. Hobbies make people happier and I also find they distract from anything else going on in your life. I've really got into squash over the past year and when I'm playing it I'm not thinking about anything else.

5 - Be kind. This is the most important point of all and I feel like we could all do to remember it. One of the sayings I really live by is 'be kind for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.'

How will you be making the most of life?

Amy x


  1. I love this list, pretty much all of these things are also something I need to work on more, especially learning not to stress about literally everything haha :D This year I really want to try to enjoy every single day and look for beauty all around me...and not trying to rush things, which is something I've always been terrible at! Happy New Year, dear, I hope 2017 will be a spectacular one! xx

    1. Trying not to rush things should definitely be one of my things too - here's to trying to appreciate the moment a bit more! xx

  2. Be kind! Such a good thing to put on your list. I'm going to try and work hard, prove myself at my job in the best way and take as much time as possible for myself.

    Xxxxx Naomi in Wonderland

    1. That's great, I guess working hard should probably be on my list too! Good luck :) xx

  3. I am a massive worrier and I hate that as it makes me incredibly unhappy. This year i´ll try to worry bit less and enjoy the good things life bring.
    Great post! Hope you have a wonderful 2017!

    Vanessa x |

    1. It's so annoying isn't it - definitely going to try and change that! xx

  4. These are some wise thoughts. Wish you a glorious 2017 :)

    xoxo Eva |

    1. Thank you Eva, hope you have an amazing 2017! xx

  5. Love this post girl - I also need to take more time to focus on whats really important rather than trying to do everything at once! This year I'm putting my health and happiness first!

    Hayley xo

    1. Thanks lovely - so important to put yourself first sometimes! xx

  6. Such an inspiring post! My best friends are also spread all over the country and this year I am going to make sure I see them more often. Be kind... I love this! I have just purchased some artwork I am going to hang above the front door which represents hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil!


    1. That sounds like a lovely piece of artwork and a very important saying! Glad you're going to try and see your friends more often :) xx

  7. It's true, new year, new thoughts or old thoughts that we put aside and need to be revisited... like giving ourselves more love, meeting the people who matter the most... and always being kind - that's really the epitome - or should be - of our goals and daily thoughts! Happy 2017, I hope you have an amazing year!

    1. I hope you have a lovely 2017 too Denise, I'm sure you will! xx

  8. Yes to embracing your hobbies! Hope you have a great year, Amy xx

    Edye |

    1. It's so important for keeping us happy :) Hope you have a lovely year Edye :) xx

  9. Yes this is a great post! Looking forward to 2017 and love reading all the inspiring posts like this one :)

    Foirell |

    1. Thank you so much, I'm looking forward to this year too! xx

  10. Such great points to be mindful of. Happy New Year, darling!

    Funmi xx

    1. Thank you! Happy new year to you too lovely xx

  11. I actually loved this so much! Such a feel good 2017 post without being at all pretentious or too much. I am such a worrier too, my biggest resolution is to not sweat the small stuff anymore! <3


    1. I'm going to try so hard not to sweat the small stuff! Thanks so much lovely :) xx

  12. I love this list. This is something that every single person can do. It doesn't hurt to be kind and stress less! Finding a hobby that you love is so important to me which is why I dance so much!

    Sian x

    1. I didn't know you danced, that's great! It is so important to be kind and everyone can do it :) xx

  13. This list is fab. Every one of these goals I would like to work on in 2017 too so thanks so much for sharing lovely. 🎀💜💫✨

    With love, Alisha Valerie. x |

    1. I'm so glad you agree with all of these, happy new year lovely! xx

  14. I am with you on every single point of this list! I'm entering the new year with a lot more positivity and telling myself that I don't need to let downfalls in life control my future. Great post :)

    1. I'm so glad you agree! Thank you so much :) xx


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