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Time You Enjoy Wasting Is Not Wasted Time

Time You Enjoy Wasting Is Not Wasted Time

Posted on: Sunday, 8 January 2017

The title of this post is an expression I first came across a long time ago and quite liked, but it didn't really ring completely true with me until recently. In a time where we're constantly multi-tasking and trying to get a million and one things done, wasting time isn't really a positive and I for one feel kind of guilty if I sit down and read a book when I know I could be cleaning/blogging/ironing etc etc.

That was until about three weekends ago when I sat down in front of the telly on a Saturday afternoon and watched three episodes of Ex on the Beach back to back. Yes, really, don't judge. I wasn't doing anything practical or useful and I wasn't doing anything that would teach me something new, in fact I was sat watching a load of young adults shouting and swearing at each other. But man I really enjoyed it.

And that was when I made the decision to not feel guilty about the fact that I'd just wasted an afternoon because was it wasted if I'd enjoyed myself? I think this feeling is probably familiar to a lot of us - we enjoyed doing something, but the washing didn't get done so we felt bad for having done something we enjoyed. Let's stop feeling guilty for enjoying ourselves and let's stop beating ourselves up just because we've not got the million and one things on our to do lists done.

Obviously I'm not saying I'm now going to spend my life in front of the telly and never do anything productive ever again; there's got to be a balance, but once in a while if I fancy watching three episodes of Ex on the Beach in a row (unlikely seeing as I've now finished the whole five series - LOL) I'll let myself and I won't feel guilty about it. If I want to spend an extra half hour in bed in the morning so I can read some of my book I will (unless I've got to be at work and then obvs not gonna make myself late...). What I'm saying is, as long as I'm wasting time in moderation and as long as I'm enjoying it, I'm not going to feel bad about it. I'm glad I stumbled upon that quote again and I'm glad I was able to fully appreciate it this time because it really is so true.

So if you enjoy the time you're wasting, don't feel bad about it because it's not wasted time. 

Amy x


  1. I totally agree with this, taking time for yourself is so important even if you do just watch a few episodes of a TV show, I tend to lay in when I do this but I almost always feel guilty haha x

    1. It's so bad that we feel guilty for it isn't it, we should just let ourselves chill every once in a while! xx

  2. This was such a good post, I do the same thing, freaking out that I should be doing something else and feeling like I'm wasting time when I'm having down time but you're right, if we enjoy it, it's not wasting time! Also, I really need to watch ex on the beach, everyone seems to love it and I do enjoy a good bit of trashy reality tv (I've watched every season of Geordie Shore!)

    Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog
    My Instagram | Instagram

    1. If you love Geordie Shore I'm sure you'd love Ex on the Beach! It's definitely not wasting time if you're enjoying it but I totally get how you feel! xx

  3. I 100% agree with you on this! I think it's important to spend time to yourself and just relaxing and doing things you enjoy xxxx

    1. I'm so glad you agree, it really is important to just chill! xx

  4. I love love love this post! I feel like I waste a lot of time but its usually doing something I like! I spend a lot of time playing with my son after I get home from work at 2 and my other half always moans that his dinner isn't on the table and makes me feel a bit guilty but then I remember I've had fun haha xxxxx

    1. Aw playing with your son is definitely not wasting time! So nice that you have fun together :) xx

  5. I always think I waste so much time when I could be doing something that will benefit others. But it's so important to have down time.


    1. It's definitely important to have a balance - we shouldn't feel guilty for having the odd bit of down time! xx

  6. I can't agree with this more! It's so so important to have time for yourself and to just switch off! You are the most important person in your life after all!


    1. Exactly! It's so important to switch off and chill every now and then! xx

  7. Omg so much yes to all of this!! Over Christmas I managed to watch 2 series of greys anatomy (40 episodes) in no time but omg it was SO needed. I honestly loved every second and it just made me feel like I could get back to work knowing I'd had time to rest and recuperate!


    1. I think resting and binge watching series actually means you're more productive and motivated in the long run! Glad you had a much deserved break! xx

  8. I find it so hard to be able to just sit and watch something without doing something productive. I've gotten much better at it lately though!

    Corinne x

    1. That's good, I think we all need to get better at it! xx

  9. You are so right on this one. We're all so busy with life sometimes we forgot it's OK to just do nothing and take some time for ourselves. Sometimes I feel bad when I have a lovely long bath and think if I had a shower instead I could have saved some time but man you can't beat a lush bath so what the heck, you are right on every level.

    1. So glad you agree - baths are so great for switching off and just really relaxing and like you say you really can't beat a Lush bath! xx

  10. I completely agree with you, sometimes we just need to enjoy some time off from all the multitasking we're constantly doing. Lazy afternoons and late mornings can be pretty spectaular things to enjoy from time to time! xx

    1. They can indeed, it's great to just treat yourself to a break sometimes! xx

  11. I needed this. All of today I've been doing college work, and the half an hour I took off to watch a TV episode with my family felt like I was wasting half an hour of precious studying time. I think we all need to sit back and enjoy the moment and not worry about wasting time.

    Little Moon Elephant

    1. If you've been studying all day then you definitely deserved an hour off and shouldn't feel guilty at all :) xx

  12. I love this! It's important to step back from everything we need to do and have some relaxing 'me' time. I have a huge coursework deadline coming up so I feel guilty whenever I do something that isn't coursework - but last night a few of my friends came over for a few hours and I had a lovely time. Thank you for putting this into words!

    Leanne xx
    Latte Leanne

    1. I'm so glad you agree and you definitely deserve some down time with friends if you've been working so hard! xx

  13. I love this post! It is so true!!!!

    Thanks for sharing
    Steph xx

    Steph's World | Lifestyle Blog |

    1. I'm so glad you agree, so important to take a break :) xx

  14. I love the message of this post! I forever feel guilty for doing something that I enjoy (but doesn't have an overall effect to my surroundings) rather than doing something a bit more productive. I usually do the task that I have to do (washing the dishes, cleaning the apartment or getting college work done) and then do the activity that I enjoy. That way I don't feel guilty but it sometimes results in me not getting time to do what I want.

    - Emily xx

    1. That is a great way round to do it because then it's like a reward, but I think every once in a while it's fine to prioritise your own enjoyment! Thank you lovely xx

  15. I can absolutely relate to this quote. So, so true! I pretty much didn't move from the sofa yesterday and have no regrets haha! The struggle is real having no wifi just yet either xD!

    Style Sunrise☀


    1. I'm so glad you can relate and a lazy day should bring no regrets! Must be a nightmare having no wifi though! xx

  16. You watche Ex on the beach, I watched another X, the X Factor (and didn't find it strong last year), so you see, I won't judge! Obviously not, because I also think that time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time! We feel guilty because the world demands that we are all multitasking and in fact, reserving some time for one thing at a time is many times very good! Hope you have a lovely week!

    1. Thanks Denise, I'm so glad you agree and I hope you have a lovely week too! xx

  17. Girl I love this post, it's so, so important to squeeze in some downtime (including Ex On The Beach - bloody love that programme haha!).

    Hayley xo

    1. Haha well I'm glad it's not just me that likes it! We obviously have equally good (or bad!) taste in TV shows! xx

  18. Great post and saying! I definitely need to do that more. Gemma x

    1. Thanks Gemma, it's my new favourite saying! xx

  19. I love this post & quote - I think it's a John Lennon quote! :) We're all guilty of binging on tv this time of the year, isn't that what winter is for!! Ex On the Beach is one of my guilty pleasures! Bachelor in Paradise has just started on ITVBE - I loved The Bachelor, that might be a new one for you ;) As well as CBB of course! Enjoy lovely!
    Jaz xoxo

    1. Oooh I didn't know it was a John Lennon quote! Haven't watched Bachelor in Paradise so I'll have to check that one out! xx

  20. This post couldn't have a more awesome message! I really needed to read this tonight, Amy! Thanks so much xx

    Edye |

    1. Aw I'm so glad you found it helpful Edye, hope you're taking some time for yourself! xx

  21. Agree with this post, just try to make my self to get used to it :)

    - Lily Kanaya

    1. Glad you agree, hard to actually put into practice isn't it! xx

  22. 100% agree with you on this! Having time to yourself is sooooo important! Loved reading this post! :-) xxxx

    1. I'm so glad you liked it! It really is important isn't it :) xx

  23. This is so true. I'm an only child so used to being on my own but with work and blogging, I don't have as much free time as I used to. This week, I'm on holiday from work and so far I've done nothing but watch Glee from the beginning. I set out to have a super productive week but it's about time I just chilled out! Great post as always Amy :)

    Sian x

    1. Sounds like you deserve a chilled out week! We need to give ourselves a break once in a while! xx

  24. Love this blog post. I agree so much with you, taking time for yourself is so important. Thanks for sharing! 🎀💜💫✨

    With love, Alisha Valerie. x |

    1. I'm so glad you agree, yes it's so important :) xx

  25. Couldn't agree more, Amy! We all need time to relax and just chill in our own company, whether that's reading a trashy book, watching shit TV, or vegging out on the sofa, it's important! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

    Abbey 😎

    1. Yes exactly! Glad you agree it's so important xx

  26. I feel the same as well if I am not working I always feel like I should be doing something else. I could not tell you the last time I just sat down and watched a tv show

    Charlotte x

    1. You should! Everyone seems to feel the exact same way though! xx


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