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Faking Style Confidence

Faking Style Confidence

Posted on: Friday 16 December 2016

I bang on about personal style enough on this blog for you all to know that I'm a big believer in everyone wearing whatever they want and although I do wear whatever I want that doesn't mean I always feel confident in it.

There's a tag that's been doing the rounds on Twitter recently - you know the 'like this and I'll tweet anonymously about you' one. Well when I liked Rachel's from No Space For Milk she tweeted that she wished she had my confidence in fashion. It took me ages to realise that it was about me because I didn't realise that was how people perceived me. It made me realise that even thought I don't necessarily feel confident wearing certain things, I'm pretty darn good at faking it. 

These leggings for example. I bloomin' love them, they're so comfortable and they're leopard print, but not overtly leopard print and I'm not overtly anything so they're pretty 'me'. I put them on one day, pretty happy because I love them and tootled off to work. As soon as I got to work I suddenly experienced THE DOUBT. The doubt made me wonder what other people at work thought of the leggings, were they too risqué for work? Did everyone now think badly of me? I had that doubt in my mind for most of the day, but I didn't let it show. I walked around the office as if I didn't have a care in the world and I think that's what fools people. 

I shouldn't feel THE DOUBT (I put it in caps the first time so feel like I have to do it again) in the first place because I love these leggings and I feel great in them so why should I not feel confident in them? Unfortunately I think it's because I know we've got a long way to go in terms of accepting each other's personal styles - I've heard people at work bitching about what other people are wearing so I guess it's safe to assume they'd bitch about what I'm wearing too. Please let's all be kinder so everyone can actually feel confident rather than faking it. 

Do you ever fake style confidence?

Amy x


  1. I have felt the pinch of THE DOUBT many many times. It's a struggle to accept not only others' styles but our own as well. Like for example I've been loving patent leather shoes lately. Sister cannot tease me enough but I just keep repeating it's ok to like this! Lol Just fake it till you make it! :)

    1. Haha yes that's a great motto - fake it till you make it! I love patent leather shoes! xx

  2. Girl I love, love, LOVE those leggings - they are SO lush! I absolutely hear you in this post love, I think being a blogger you kind of have to fake confidence most times, I recently did a shoot near Bank (at lunch time!!), in a full length ball gown and heels and was absolutely mortified but I just had to boss it and the pictures turned out fab. Your outfit pictures are absolutely SLAYING right now girl, keep smashing it!

    Hayley xo

    1. That does sound terrifying haha! You always boss it in your pictures though and thanks so much lovely lady <3 xx

  3. Great post! Love the outfit here your jacket is amazing and the leggings are so cool! I can relate to this too as I think we all get the DOUBT even when you are confident in something one look or comment can bring it on. I totally agree with you in that we should all be a bit kinder ... especially in the workplace! Have a great weekend. Gemma x

    1. Thanks so much Gemma, I'm glad it's not just me! Hope you're having a lovely weekend xx

  4. You are so right, don't feel the doubt - but I know, easier said than done. These leggings are fabulous and they are comfortable and chic at the same time. What other people will think about you is their problem, not yours. In fact, normally people like to think "things" about other people, a a way to deflect of thinking of their real issues, do believe. You look really great! Hope you have a nice weekend!

    1. Thanks so much Denise - you're so right that it is their problem, not mine! xx

  5. Such a beautiful look. But I agree with what you said, we shouldn't care about it, but we still do. I mean I know I do!

    Naomi in Wonderland

    1. Thank you Naomi, it's a shame we care isn't it! xx

  6. I think everyone can relate to some extent to THE DOUBT (love the all caps babe, haha) - and like you've said, I have a feeling it stems from hearing people discuss other people's style and sometimes negatively, leaving us open to the idea they could be doing the same about us! Rest assured though, these leopard print leggings are fire and you look fab in them! :)

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice x

    1. Haha I can't not write it in caps now! Thank you so much lovely :) xx

  7. You look great and STRONG! I have doubts sometimes too (especially my glasses lol,) but my friend always says make sure you wear the item, don't let it wear you!

    Macarons and Mischief

    1. Thank you so much lovely, that's such a good quote! xx


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