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Things My Disabled Sibling Has Taught Me

Things My Disabled Sibling Has Taught Me

Posted on: Sunday, 17 April 2016

I don't write posts about my sister often (others can be found here and here), but I absolutely love writing about her and seeing as tomorrow marks twenty years since she came into this world (which is hella scary might I add) I thought I'd write one to mark the occasion. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY (for tomorrow) Bethany and here's some things she's taught me over the years:

Patience | It's funny that she's taught me this because she is actually the most impatient person ever. Maybe it's because dealing with an impatient person takes patience! I think mainly it's the little things - if something makes her laugh then I'll do it over and over again until I'm past bored as long as it's still making her laugh. Meal times take a long time with her as she looks around and makes noise in between each mouthful! In a way it's nice because it makes you slow down a bit and not be so fast paced in everything, but you definitely need patience if you're waiting for pudding!

Appreciation | Bethany has been and still goes through a lot, yet she doesn't make a fuss and she very rarely cries or complains. That just makes me appreciate my health and my life in general so much more. It puts everything into perspective for me and helps me appreciate the good in life and not worry so much about the bad.

Determination | Bethany is such a little fighter and the fact that she keeps on going through the bad makes me all the more determined to fight through anything too. If she can fight through the ups and downs of physical and mental disability then I can definitely fight through my latest crisis at work or anything else life throws at me.

Acceptance | I've learnt that life isn't fair and that bad things happen to good people, but I've learnt to accept that and whatever life throws at me.

What have your siblings taught you?

Amy x


  1. I remember absolutely adoring your post about your sister before and this is no different. My auntie is severely disabled and I feel like my Mum is such a patient and appreciative person because of her. This is really beautiful Amy!


    1. Thank you babe :) sounds like your auntie taught your mum some valuable life lessons too :) xxx

  2. lesson learned! thanks for sharing
    have a great day

  3. What a beautiful post, thank you for sharing! I admire your sister, she sounds like a great person. I also got a person with a disability in my family and it really teaches you to be patient and also not to care about what other people think as they're always people who stare - I've learnt that this is a natural reaction that shouldn't be taken personal. Oh and Happy Birthday, Bethany! xx

    1. Thank you so much lovely! Yes people always stare but like you say just learn not to care! Thank you for reading <3 xxx

  4. This is an absolutely incredible and admirable post, I often whine and bitch about a lot of stuff when really I shouldn't as the people have it the hardest never seem to! xxx

    1. That is so true and that's why I try not to complain (although it is hard not to sometimes!) xxx

  5. What a beautiful post and gorgeous photos :) Bethany sounds like such a lovely lady and a great person :) I hope that she has a wonderful birthday and enjoys her special day :) Sending birthday love & hugs :)

    El xxx

    1. Thank you so much lovely, she really is a great little lady! Xxx

  6. It must be so hard having a disabled sibling, but also at the same time it's great that she has taught you both patience and compassion :)

    Corinne x

    1. Yeah she's really shaped who I am which can only be a good thing! Thank you for reading :) xxx

  7. This is lovely Amy you both have grown up into beautiful young ladies , I'm sure over the years Bethany's learned so much form you as you have off Bethany luv and best wishes to you both x don't know if you remember me , I used to take Bethany to school,

    1. Thank you Lynn! Yes I do remember you. Thanks for your lovely comment! Hope you're well xx


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