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Quickmax Eyelash and Eyebrow Growth Serum

Quickmax Eyelash and Eyebrow Growth Serum

Posted on: Friday, 22 April 2016

I love trying new shampoos, hair treatments and techniques to make the hair on my head longer and thicker, but I'd never really thought about trying to do anything about my eyebrows or eyelashes until I was contacted by Stylelux and asked if I wanted to try their Quickmax Eyelash and Eyebrow Growth Serum*. I'm generally quite happy with my eyelashes - they're already naturally curly and quite long, but my eyebrows are sadly quite thin and patchy (if I could turn back time and take those tweezers out of my 14-year-old hands). 

Quickmax* is a small tube of clear liquid that you use each night before bed, applied as you would eyeliner on your lash line and brushed through the eyebrows. It's supposed to make your eyelashes and eyebrows look longer and fuller and results should be noticeable within 4-6 weeks. 

In terms of using the product I found it very easy to use and incorporate into my night time skincare routine and not irritable at all to my skin. I applied it each night for 6 weeks and if I'm honest I very sceptically expected to not see much of a difference. I'm a very sceptical person in general and never usually trust products that seem to promise the impossible!

Top - before. Bottom - after.

I have to say though that I honestly did notice a difference. I noticed the difference more prominently when I was wearing makeup than without it as my eyelashes are quite blonde at the ends, but my eyelashes did look thicker, which I think you can see on the before and after. I'm happier with my eyebrows too, which although they're still a little patchy, are generally a bit fuller than they were and are much easier to fill in. 

This brings me onto my main con of the product and that is the price. It retails at £49, which is very pricey in my opinion. The product worked, but I wouldn't say it worked enough that I would be able to justify spending £49 on it. It does last a long time - as I said I've been using it for 6 weeks and there's still about half left so in that sense you do get your money's worth. If you have very thin or short eyelashes and you are desperate to change that then this might be a good product to try, but I personally wouldn't splash that much cash.

Have you tried this product or anything similar? Would you try this product?

Amy x

This product was kindly sent to me by Stylelux, but my views are completely honest and my own.


  1. I like the effect this product has had on your lashes, they really do look thicker. However I wouldn't spend that much money on a product that only makes a small difference - I'd rather invest in a good eyebrow palette. :) xx

    1. Yeah I do think about how many other things the money could buy! Probably be a more worthwhile investment if you're unhappy with your eyelashes, but I'm not massively so I'll just stick with what nature has given me! xx

  2. I haven't seen this before but coconut oil does the same sort of thing and is very gentle on the eyes!
    Have a lovely weekend :)
    Rosanna x
    Rose's Rooftop

    1. That's very good to know! Sounds like a much cheaper alternative, isn't coconut oil just amazing? xx

  3. Wow it really worked!!! But it is pricey. I think it's worth it as a little splurge for ladies with very thin eyebrows/little lashes! :)

    1. Yeah exactly, I do think it would be worth trying if you're unhappy with your eyelashes! xx

  4. Haven't tried this, but seeing as it made your lashes thinker I would. Seems like a nice product!


    1. Yeah it does actually work I was quite surprised! X

  5. I really think these products do work I don't know if it's to do with the conditioning or not but I wish I wasn't so lazy at sticking to using this sort of thing xxx

    1. I was really sceptical but it did! Found it quite easy to add into my skincare routine too xxx

  6. I can definitely see an improvement in your brows! I probably wouldn't pay so much for this though x

    1. Yeah that's the only downside but it did work! X


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