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Rainy Day Activities With A Toddler

Rainy Day Activities With A Toddler

Posted on: Sunday 15 October 2023

a child's wellies splashing in a muddy puddle

Everyone seems to be digging autumn these days, but I'm sorry to say I'm in disagreement. Autumn leads to winter, which means months of it getting colder, rainier and darker and I am not a fan. Having a child has only reinforced my love of spring/summer. The early wake-ups are easier when it's light, the days are longer for getting out and about and the struggle to bundle a constantly moving small human into millions of layers is non-existent when layers aren't needed. 

My preference of spring and summer over autumn and winter isn't really what this post is about though, although it is to prepare me for those cold and rainy days that are going to need filling with entertainment somehow (not sure the park/a picnic/the seaside will quite cut it will it?) I've been digging round in my brain (ouch) to find some ideas for rainy days with my toddler that I will probably use multiple times over the next few months. 

GET OUTSIDE ANYWAY // I have to say, this is my preference so I hope my child doesn't mind the rain. Bobby has just started walking so I'm hoping by the time the cold and wet weather is truly upon us that he's toddling around confidently outside and is up for some puddle splashing. Fresh air always does me the world of good and I always feel the urge to get us out everyday at least for a little bit so here's hoping I can continue to do so! I've also made a mental note to myself to start carrying something round with me that I can wipe down park equipment with when it's been raining (that's proper mum right there isn't it?).

CHECK OUT THE LOCAL MUSEUMS // Museums may sound like a really lame and boring idea for a toddler, but you may be surprised at what you can find on offer! We recently visited The Leeds City Museum, which has a whole toddler play area so even if your child isn't interested at looking at any of the actual exhibits there's something there for them. Art galleries often have a children's area too and the bonus is they're all free!

HEAD TO THE LIBRARY // Also free and an excellent way of killing a bit of time outside of the house when it's raining. Bobby is well into books so this is a great one for us. Most libraries do some sort of story/rhyme time for under 5s which is well worth checking out, but even if it's just you, your child and a shed load of books it's a fab little activity. 

IN THE HOUSE ACTIVITIES // I'm lumping these all into one because staying inside all day is my least preferred option, but inevitable at some point over the long winter months I'm sure. I've done a tiny bit of painting and baking with Bobby so far, but now he's getting older I'll be able to ramp up the arts, crafts and cooking. I'm kind of looking forward to it, kind of anticipating a whole load of extra mess. Pinterest is full of ideas for indoor sensory play and the like so I'll be heading there for some inspiration too. 

A rather pitiful list so if you're a more experienced toddler mum than me please send some ideas my way!

Amy x


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