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The Happy List 8.0

The Happy List 8.0

Posted on: Sunday, 17 April 2022

I may not write these little lists of happiness all that often, but I'm pleased that they're nearing the double digit mark; at some point I should go back and read them all to remind myself of all the small joys in my life (I may also find some repetition I expect...if I were to hazard a guess I'm sure both pizza and coffee feature heavily).

Pockets of flowers managing to bloom on busy roadsides.

The earthy scent outside after it's rained.

A really good cup of (decaf) coffee.

Realising it's too warm for your big coat.

Cloudy apple juice.

Sitting outside without feeling like you're freezing your tits off.

Leaving work while it's still light outside.

A pebbly stream.

Mint choc chip ice cream.

Watching things bloom in the garden.

Baking for the first time in a very long time.

Washing drying on the line outside.

Seeing friends you haven't seen for a very long time.

Making summer plans.

The smell of a neighbour's optimistic April BBQ.

Small acts of self-care.

Feeling content.


  1. I'm loving the lighter evenings right now and like you, I'm loving seeing things grow in the garden again x

    Lucy Mary

    1. It's so nice isn't it! The lighter evenings are a dream x

  2. Loved reading this! Apple juice is definitely on my happy list too x

  3. Love this blog post idea! I also love the earthy scent after it's rained and watching things bloom in the garden at this time of the year x

  4. Did you know that "The earthy scent outside after it's rained" actually has a name for it? It's called Petrichor. I love the smell!

  5. This post felt like a warm hug! This is such a fun practice for gratitude - and a reminder to stop and soak in the little things :) x

    mia //

    1. Awh thank you I'm glad you like the idea :) x

  6. I had the most delicious mint choc chip ice cream from a local dairy farm and it just made me smile so much

  7. Yes to not wearing big coats! I'm loving the warmer weather we've been having recently. Love posts like this too. So nice to look back on. X

  8. Drying things outside is on my list, too! I LOVE putting the airer away!

    Corinne x

    1. Haha yes it's the best isn't it, I hate having airers up in the house! x


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