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Confession // I'm Looking Forward To My Thirties

Confession // I'm Looking Forward To My Thirties

Posted on: Sunday, 1 March 2020


Yes you read the title right; I'm writing this as a twenty-nine and three month old woman who, unusually, is looking forward to the 'big' 3-0.

We live in a society where getting older is seen as something to be terrified of; our WhatsApp groups are full of friends lamenting 'how did we all get so old?', treatments and surgeries to attempt to stop our faces and bodies in their tracks are becoming the norm and the pressure to have achieved a million milestones by a certain age is intense.

I have less than a year left of my twenties, a decade which is seen as the one in which you 'find yourself', have endless amounts of fun and one to which you will always want to return. But you know what, I'm actually looking forward to waving my twenties goodbye and embracing a fresh decade.

I'm not sure about the whole 'finding myself' thing in the first place; in fact I don't really like the idea of having a set idea of myself for the rest of my life. I'm a big believer that we're always developing and growing as people, but if there were a decade in which I 'find myself' I assume it'll be my thirties rather than my twenties because my sense of self only improves as I get older.

Sure, my twenties have been fun; I've created new friendships as well as strengthening old ones, I've travelled to new places, I've danced until the wee hours, but the idea of my thirties seems more appealing because I feel like they'll matter more.

My thirties will be the decade in which I envision myself being truly settled and content.

My thirties will be the decade in which I'll have children, one way or the other.

My thirties will be the decade in which my friendships will be the strongest because they've stood the test of time (and distance).

My thirties will be the decade I see myself moving somewhere new, furthering my career and beginning a proper side hustle.

My thirties will be the decade in which I hope to finally start loving myself.

And going by that my thirties will be the decade in which I'm my happiest self so why would I not look forward to that?

Amy x


  1. Love those pants on you and I hope you have a very happy birthday when it arrives! I definitely don't see getting older as a scary thing but maybe that will change as I get older? haha!

    Hope that you had a lovely weekend :)

    Away From Blue

    1. It really isn't is it, I'm glad you agree! xx

  2. What a lovely positive message to read (especially when I'm only 7 days away from turning 36!) x


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