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Adding Plants To Your Home

Adding Plants To Your Home

Posted on: Sunday 7 January 2018

It's not exactly a secret that I'm a bit of a house plant hoarder.  When I asked on Instagram if there were any interiors posts you guys would like to see there was a definite house plant theme and I'm surprised it's a topic I've not covered before. I definitely can't say I'm an expert, not all of my house plants live (although more of them live than die so that's something right?) and I can't even pretend to know what they're all called, but I do have a lot of them and I've learnt a little along the way on how I like to style them in my home. I don't really like doing 'how to' posts because you can style yourself, your house or anything else however you wish, but this is just how I prefer to style house plants in my home and what works best for me!

G R O U P  T H E M  T O G E T H E R  |  I started out by having a single plant on pretty much every surface I could find, but I've found that they make more of an impact and are more of a focal point when grouped together. It also looks more purposeful and, oddly, less cluttered because they're organised as a display. My favourite display, which I've shown off heaps both on here and on Instagram is my plant ledge, which is where the built in wardrobe conveniently protudes out a little. I've recently replicated it on the other wardrobe, which is directly opposite and pleases my love of symmetry very much.

C O N S I D E R  E V E R Y  P O S S I B L E  S P A C E  |  It's very easy when deciding where to place house plants to think 'well there's a chest of drawers/table/shelf, I'll pop it on there', but I often try and think outside the box. Could it be hung somewhere? Could it go higher than you'd expect? One of my favourite little spots is on sash windows - because the frames are quite deep I can fit some little ones right in the middle of them where the sash would slide up (I just have to remember to never slide it all the way up!).

P U T  T H E M  S O M E W H E R E  U N E X P E C T E D  |  One of my favourite plants is this money plant wedged between the kettle and coffee machine. You wouldn't usually expect to see a plant on a kitchen worktop, but this one just suited the space so well and added a touch of green to an otherwise plain space. I guess this goes hand in hand with the last point in that it involves thinking outside of the box, although the money plant was kind of an accident as I had just popped it on the worktop when I got in the house before deciding where to put it and it stayed there!

C R E A T E  A  B I G G E R  D I S P L A Y  |  Before you say I've already made this point, by bigger I mean including other things that aren't plants. I love pairing together plants and prints as well as candles and any other trinkets I can gather together! 

C O N S I D E R  P E T S  |  This is a biggie and one that forced me to think outside the box a lot. If you have pets it's majorly important to know what kinds of plants are poisonous to them. I only have a couple of poisonous ones and these are all out of reach. Even plants that aren't poisonous can still make pets ill if they have a nibble (one of my cats loves eating plants even though they make him vom every single time, which is just lovely) so I try and keep all plants either out of reach or somewhere they don't go (like the bathroom). Unfortunately this means any plans for floor displays are definitely compromised, but it's something that really needs to be considered when styling plants in your home. 

Do you have any rules for styling your house plants?

Amy x


  1. i was looking on urban outfitters the other day and they had loads of hanging plant baskets which i absolutely LOVED. definitely a fan of popping things in unexpected places or in quirky pots and pans!

    your space looks positively gorgeous!

    katie. xx

    1. OMG Urban Outfitters is the absolute dream for plant pots/holders! Thank you lovely xx

  2. Loved reading this,
    I’ve just bought some plants for my classroom and it’s making me want more in my home too! Thanks for the advice.

    Lizzie |

    1. Aw how cute, looks like you put so much effort into your classroom! xx

  3. I wish I could have more plants at home! They always look like such nice decorations, but I have a terrible track record. I'm always killing them no matter how hard I try to keep them alive!

    Hope that this first week of 2018 went well for you and you're having a good weekend. We're having a quiet weekend here.

    Away From The Blue Blog

    1. Aw you could always try fake ones? I have a few of those and they're so easy! xx

  4. I love plants too- but must remember to water them haha! You're right it adds light and colour to every little section :-)


    1. Haha yeah that is quite crucial! Sometimes I'm guilty of overwatering though xx

  5. Thanks for the tips, I'm really bad with plants but will give them a try!
    Have a lovely day :)
    Rosanna x
    Rose's Rooftop

    1. Aw I hope you have good luck, if not get fake ones :) xx

  6. I am a huge houesplant lover these days. What started small is now BIG, and I love propogating too! Great photos of them round your house!!! Love this post!
    I've done some plant swap cuttings with another insta friend! I have a thriving tradescantia that takes cuttings really well if you'd like one? xx

    1. Aw that's such a lovely idea - yes please! I have a huge aloe vera that I'm forever taking cuttings from if you want one or also a dracaena I could probably get one from? An insta plant cutting swap is the best idea! xx

  7. Such a great post! I love plants so much.

    Gemma x

  8. I'm still looking for plants for my room because I want fake ones since I suck at keeping plants alive haha, but this makes me want some real plants and a lot of them!

    1. IKEA do some awesome fake plants that look really real too! xx

  9. Omg these plants are so pretty, their pots are so fitting with their surroundings as well. I used to have around 16 plants back in England, but one by one they all died (even the cacti - how is that possible), so I've only got one plant at my new place in Wales, and it's aloe vera so I see myself using it soon. I think plants can add such an atmosphere to a place and make it so much homier and comfy, and yours do just that. They really add to the place and come together nicely.

    Little Moon Elephant

    1. Thanks so much girl, haha don't worry I've killed a cacti before too! I love my aloe vera, I have a huge one! xx

  10. Love all of these tips, they're great!! Definitely going to refer back to this post once I have my own apartment and start to bring in plants. xo
    Amanda Carmela

    1. Thanks so much, hope it gives you inspo then! xx


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