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I'm A Woman In A Rush

I'm A Woman In A Rush

Posted on: Thursday 25 January 2018

This is one of those posts I've been wanting to write for ages, it's been sat in my ideas bank waiting for the day I sit down and decide I can do it some justice. The thing is, it's one of those topics that however I write it, I'll never feel that I've done it justice or conveyed exactly what I'm trying to say eloquently enough. So I'm here to write it anyway and hope for the best because it's something I've really been wanting to talk about.

Along with probably most women in their mid-late twenties, or most women of any age really, I've got a long list of things I'd like to achieve. Let's take work. I'd like a promotion. I'd like to get really really good at the job that I do. I'd like to get experience within other areas of the industry. Alongside this I'd also like to develop my blog. I'd like to improve my photography. I'd like to work with more brands. I'd like to start viewing my blog as a side business rather than just a hobby. That all sounds like hard work so I'd also like to travel more, see the world, visit lots of exciting places. And when I say lots of places, I mean lots of places. But I'd also like to start a family in the next few years. I'd like to have a baby by the time I'm thirty, which realistically is quite soon. And that's just the big things, I have countless other little things I'd like to do too. So as I said, I've got a long list of things I'd like to achieve. 

Since my early twenties I've always felt this kind of pressure, to be doing and achieving and not wasting a second of precious time because I thought my achievements had an end date. In my mind, I needed to be at the top of my game at work, have a side hustle to fall back on if I needed to and have traveled everywhere I wanted to go before starting a family. For some reason I thought everything else would fall by the wayside once that happened so I've been in something of a rush. And am I anywhere near to being where I want to be? No, of course I'm not because I'm only twenty seven. Yet I feel like I'm running out of time. I'm on the right track at work for sure, but it'll be a couple of years before I get where I really want to be (and that's only in my current job) and I'm afraid of being written off for development if I get pregnant.

 Are my worries valid? Probably not. No, I won't be jetting off to exotic locations when I have children, but that doesn't mean I can't once they're older and I'll probably be in a better financial situation to do so then anyway. And I'm not planning to quit my job or my blog so why wouldn't both of those things continue to develop too? I've been in a rush to try and do everything for the past seven years, when actually I need to remember that I have my whole life to achieve all of these things and I don't need to cram them all in. (I'd just like to clarify by the way that I'm not even planning to get pregnant anytime soon - sorry if you got excited mum - so the fact that I'm even worrying about these things is really quite ridiculous.)   

So because I've been in a rush to do everything I've not got anything done. The problem with being in a rush is that you don't have any focus (I'm doing that thing again when I say 'you' instead of 'I' because for some reason I seem to like to pretend it's you guys with the problem and not me) so it's maybe not that I don't get anything done, but more that I'm not getting anything done very well. And I'll continue to not do things well if I don't slow down a little. There's no point in learning new things at work if I don't learn them well and if I'm rushing then I won't. There's no point in rushing into brand collaborations that aren't right for me just to feel like I'm taking my blog to the next level (although I would never accept a collaboration that I wasn't 100% happy with). Yes, I have a long list of things I want to achieve, but I've got a long time to tick them all off and I'll only do a bad job at all of them if I try and do them too quickly. 

Amy x


  1. I loved reading this post, it was written so well! I can totally relate to this too, you're not the only one. I have so many things to accomplish and achieve that I forget to enjoy where I'm at in life. I keep thinking, I just need to graduate and do this then do that and then I can finally relax, but that's a bit ridiculous. Living in the moment is something I definitely still need to learn, but easier said than done, right?

    Shann Eileen |

    1. It's definitely easier said that done! I'm hoping to learn to cut myself more slack though for sure! xx

  2. Very unusually (ha) I know exactly what you mean and feel like this a lot - there is so much pressure, not from anyone in particular but sort of from myself, to do and experience all these things and I'm totally with you when you say that in your head this all 'has' to be done before having children. Realistically though that's just not going to happen unless I plan to have children at around 158 years of age, so I'm also trying to think more and more that actually, (touch wood), I have a while to see amazing places, progress career-wise, grow my blog and do everything else that's on my 'list'. Loved this post gal and beautiful snowy photos! xxx

    Sophie | Sophar So Good

    1. It's definitely only pressure from myself! There's actually so much time isn't there, it's silly of us to think like that! xx

  3. I can relate to this so much at 23 years old. I already am stressing out about how I feel there's a timeline for me to achieve everything or get my life together and I'm so behind. I totally agree that being in a rush to do everything isn't productive. Love this! I think we all need to slow down a little and enjoy our life at the moment haha

    1. There's definitely no rush and I need to realise that! xx

  4. I think anyone in their twenties can in some way relate to this post - such a good topic to have addressed, Amy! You make a brilliant point in saying that there's no rush; you have your whole life ahead of you. You don't expire at 30, haha ;) I've no doubt you'll achieve everything you want Amy, and it will all happen when the timing is right!

    ps. loooooove your red scarf

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice x

    1. Haha exactly, I don't have an expiry date! Thanks so much girl xx

  5. Oh Amy I can't even begin to tell you how much I relate to this post! I keep forgetting that I have my whole life to do everything I want to do - not just this week. Which I genuinely sometimes feel is the place! Thank you for this very very very much needed reminder.
    Peta xx

    1. It's odd isn't it, there is actually so much time! xx


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