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Style Rules I Live By

Style Rules I Live By

Posted on: Friday 15 January 2016

I've never really thought about style 'rules' so I suppose it's a little hypocritical for me to have named this post that. I'm all for personal style rather than following trends because really it's all about what you like and what suits you, but when I thought about it more I realised there's a definite pattern in what I stick to and that in a way I do have my own style rules that I don't even have to think about. These are my rules for my own style rather than rules for everyone (personal style FTW) so let me know your own style rules in the comments...

One pattern per outfit | I used to be quite scared of pattern, now I wear it with caution (hopefully someday I'll be brave enough to do a print clash?). The rule I seem to go by is one statement patterned item at a time. For me making a statement with pattern is quite understated (if that sentence makes any sort of sense!), for example I love wearing an all black outfit with leopard print shoes. I will make exceptions to the rule occasionally, but only if I'm being very brave! 

Tight with baggy | Another rule I tend to unknowingly stick to is wearing tight clothes with baggy clothes, so I'll either wear a baggy t-shirt with tight jeans or a tight top with baggy jeans. I think this is just because subconsciously I know that on my body shape it's more flattering to mix and match like that.

Wear the opposite shoes | I love messing around with shoes, they really do make an outfit and the thing I seem to love doing the most is wearing shoes that you wouldn't expect to see with an outfit. With plain and casual outfits I love wearing heels (usually heeled boots) because they dress the outfit up then with less casual outfits like dresses and skirts I love wearing trainers or ankle boots to dress it down. Might be weird, but works for me!

Comfort | I've gotten old because comfort really is a biggie for me. If I put something on in the morning and I can feel that I won't be comfortable in it for the rest of the day I take it right back off again and choose something else. It sometimes means I have to rule out entire categories of clothing from my wardrobe (pencil skirts I'm looking at you) but daaaamn it's worth it.

Confidence | This is similar to the comfort point, but sometimes I'll put on an outfit that I've worn a hundred times before and I'll just feel a bit 'meh' in it. If that happens, as above, I take it right back off again and choose something else. If I know I'm not going to feel confident in an outfit I won't wear it because I definitely don't want to spend that day feeling self conscious thanks!

Do you have any style rules you live by? Do you agree with any of mine?

Amy x


  1. This is a great post with fab style tips - I've always been a fan of the tight/baggy combo too :)

    Style Sunrise☀


    1. Thank you so much :) yesss always tight with baggy! Xx

  2. Also combining different patterns in one outfit works but you have to be careful (;
    Nati xx

    1. Yeah it does, I quite like stripes with leopard print but I'm always careful with it and a bit scared of looking silly haha! Xx

  3. I don't really have any style rules, I generally just wear dresses, haha. These are good rules to live by!

    Corinne x

    1. I didn't realise I had rules until I thought about it haha! Wearing dresses sounds like a good rule to me :) xx

  4. That is a really interesting idea for a post, girlie. I have never thought about style rules that I have. Well, one comes to mind now - wear only my size (not bigger, not smaller). I am huge on comfort as well, just like you babe :)
    xox Nadia

    1. Thank you! Definitely agree with getting the right size, especially in the sale when it's always tempting to go up or down a size if they don't have yours! Xx

  5. I love going for comfort, I always use to dress up/overdress too much but it wasn't me. Love opposite shoes too (I thought you meant not matching at first haha) <3 xx


    1. Haha! I think not matching shoes might be a step too far for me ;) xxx

  6. I love the whole tight and baggy combo - it's so much more flattering xx

    Gemma ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie

    1. Yeah definitely! Especially a baggy top over tight trousers :) thanks for reading :) xx

  7. Great post. Well done
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    many kisses


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