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Style Inspiration | My Mum

Style Inspiration | My Mum

Posted on: Sunday 31 January 2016

In this new series on my blog I'm going to be talking about someone who inspires my style each month, from celebrities to friends and where better to start than the person who has inspired my style from the very beginning? My mum!

My mum has a definite style that she loves and sticks to and which suits her down to a T. It's quite feminine, very tasteful and well put together. Think cream tops with lace detail, pretty silky scarves and plenty of cute rings. I've always loved the way she dresses and how she seems to effortlessly put her outfits together. The only thing I don't like is that she didn't save all her excellent 80s jumpsuits for me...

Although we have different styles there is a definite crossover (mainly in the cream lace tops department) and we know exactly what each other likes and what we suit. My mum kindly let me take some photos even though she hates having her picture taken and answered a couple of questions about her style.

How would you describe your style? I would say my style is fairly casual and I buy things I like and which suit my figure rather than being the latest fashion.

What influences your style? I'm influenced by magazines and people around me.

Who is your style inspiration? I'll have a similar post up next month with one of my others! 

Amy x


  1. Oh this is so lovely and I am glad she agreed to the post! I did one with my nan last summer but she surprisingly got into all the posing haha it was quite fun actually xx

    1. Yeah I remember reading the one with your nan! Think my mum was pretty pleased when it was over haha but she's happy with the post so that's good :) xx

  2. Ahh I love this post hun, your Mum is so chic! My Mum is the biggest tomboy and lives in trainers and jeans bless her so I won't be doing a post like this myself haha, but I loved reading this!


    1. Aw my mum will be so chuffed to be described as chic! Also I'm sure there's such a thing as tomboy chic! Xx


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