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The Happy List 5.0

The Happy List 5.0

Posted on: Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Last year I got into the habit of writing these simple little lists of happiness and thoroughly enjoyed doing so from a purely selfish perspective of them feeling rather therapeutic. This year I haven't written a single one, which I suppose says a lot about this year in general.

Yet here I am, determined to bash at least one out before the end of the year; despite the overall feeling of 'meh' that comes with reflecting on the year, there's always a slither of happiness to be found somewhere, and for me recently, that's in the following.

The pure indulgence of a morning bath.

The freshness that comes with walks in the rain.

Oversized wooly jumpers.

A small slither of winter sunshine peeping through the grey.

Cooking a meal from scratch.

The friendly twinkle of a neighbour's Christmas lights sneaking through your blinds.

Getting dressed up to eat tea in the house.

Mulled wine.

The genuine kindness of friends.

Watching a curious cat.

Waking up naturally.

Making tentative plans.



  1. Oh how I love those happy/gratitude lists! I used to make them every day too a couple years ago, then I lost the habit. I need to pick it back up, it's such a mood-booster! :)
    Have a wonderful weekend! x

    Julia x
    Julia Speaks | Check out my last Christmas blog post!

    1. It really is a mood booster! Glad you like it lovely! x

  2. Aw what a lovely post and I find joy in so many of these things too - I really need to do one of these lists myself <3

    // xx

    1. I find writing them so therapeutic! Thanks for reading lovely :) x



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