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The Stupid Things I Do For Instagram

The Stupid Things I Do For Instagram

Posted on: Wednesday, 21 February 2018

The idea for this post came to me while I was taking the below photo of my coffee and cake, which I thought would look best with both my hands in frame, so I put my phone on self-timer and held it with my teeth. As well as that, I randomly sprinkled some pumpkin seeds and flour on my just cleaned kitchen worktop to 'add something' to the picture. During the last three seconds of the countdown (I set it to ten so I'd have some time to get the framing right) it occured to me how absolutely ridiculous it was that I was doing this for an Instagram picture. And it got me thinking about how there are possibly hundreds of similarly absurd situations that I've put myself in just for the 'gram so I thought it'd be kinda funny to share some of my most recent ones on here. I'd love to hear if you have any funny 'for the 'gram' stories too. 

 If you follow me on Instagram you may be familiar with the outfit shots against this blank wall in my house - I use it to show off daily snippets of what I'm wearing or elements of an outfit I want to show. The wall is in our utility room, it provides a blank canvas and there's a big window opposite it so the light is great. However, to achieve this shot I'm stood right next to the cats' litter tray, which isn't the nicest outfit picture location is it? I've been interrupted by a cat wanting to do his business and I've popped in to do a quick shot before work only to discover that there's a more pressing quick job to do before work...

I love a good candid shot. I also love coffee so naturally candid shots of me drinking coffee make up a lot of my Instagram feed. The thing with this one is, I'm not drinking coffee because I finished it about half an hour before this picture was taken. I also moved from my table to a chair by the window which was cuter and had better light. So rather than a candid photo of me drinking coffee naturally captured by my coffee companion Ashton, this is actually a very set up shot of me pretending to enjoy a coffee I don't have. 

Believe it or not the below is actually taken on a tripod and not by someone holding the camera above me and is possibly one of the most ridiculous shots I've tried to achieve. My tripod is on the bed with my legs between it which yes, is very precarious especially when the duvet needs rearranging to cover your face. I used the timer on my phone connected to my camera and quickly shoved my phone out of view and threw my head under the covers. To top things off, because I needed light in the room I had the curtains open, which means that if anyone who lives opposite was looking they would see the whole sorry affair...

I'd bought a new coat from Primark and really wanted to show it off, but I knew it would have to be a self-timer job. I vetoed my utility room because I thought it would look odd having a shot of a coat in there so knew I'd have to brave the actual outside world to get a shot (my yard is not pretty). I absolutely hate taking my tripod out to get outfit shots, I feel so self-conscious doing it and it's rare the shots ever turn out that well as I don't spend the time needed on them because I want to get them done as quickly as possible. On this day I was also going to feed my friend's cat so I decided to take my camera with me in case her garden was fairly private and would make a decent background. So I stood in my friend's garden with her cat looking on in confusion as I took a self-timer shot (and she still doesn't know about it). 

There are many more where these came from, but I didn't think anyone would appreciate a mammoth post. Do you have any similar anecdotes?

Amy x


  1. This sounds like me! My camera has a function where I can control it remotely by my phone, I never thought I'd use it but I do all the time to get the perfect shot!
    Have a lovely day :)
    Rosanna x
    Rose's Rooftop

  2. Oh I loved this post Amy! Isn't it funny to hear all about the behind the scenes pictures of Instagram, it makes you realise how sometimes it isn't very 'real'. I am always stopping to take pictures of houses or pretty front doors and I dread the day I get caught! xxx

    1. Thanks girl, haha yeah one time someone will open the door! xx

  3. Love love loved this Amy - too funny and I literally love that you took that last one in your friend's garden (which has very good light). I have also had quite a few tripod adventures in the past couple of months and the classic chucking the phone out of view when you're using it as a remote. My most regular occurence is people going into or out of their houses...while I'm posing on their doorstep. So

    Sophie | Sophar So Good

    1. Haha oh no, I did once have someone from work walk past as I was doing outfit pics which was the worst! Her garden has great light doesn't it that's why I jumped at the chance haha! xx

  4. This was too funny! Can definitely relate to this, my parents make fun of me all the time when I make them take shots of me for Instagram.

    Shann Eileen |

    1. Yeah my boyfriend has stopped asking when he walks into the room and catches my in some bizarre position with my tripod and phone haha xx

  5. This has given me such a great start to the morning ... so much giggling!!! HA HA! I LOVE that you took your tripod to your friends garden - amazing! And I always presumed that when people get shots with both hands in they have someone else to help, holding your phone in your teeth is inspired (definitely trying that soon!)

    1. Haha thank you! Sometimes I use my tripod for shots with both hands but the teeth thing is revolutionary haha! xx

  6. We all do this kind of things sometimes ;)
    but honestly you have some really cool tricks.
    And the picture from above, where you were in your bed - gosh this is amazing.
    I never thought you can take such a picture by yourself.

    take a look at my BLOG and also INSTAGRAM

    1. Haha well I'm glad this post may have provided inspo as well as a laugh!x

  7. Haha these are too funny. I am the same way when it comes to photos. There was this one time when i was having a croissant for breakfast, and i got a white blanket and put the croissant on top of the blanket for the photo, and all of my friends were looking at me like "what the heck".

    1. Haha my friends have kind of got used to me doing things like rearranging food in cafes haha! xx

  8. hahha love this post hunni!


  9. I’ve done all sorts of crazy things for the perfect Insta so I totally understand the feeling. You just have to go what you have to do right?!

    Great post! x


    1. Haha it's just necessary sometimes isn't it! xx

  10. Loved this post! Have a great weekend.

    Gemma x

    1. Thanks Gemma, hope you're having a lovely weekend xx

  11. Ahhh love this post! You're not alone. We all do the impossible to get the best shot. Some people even buy food just for the looks and don't eat!
    The pictures are beautiful, especially the one of the bread :)

    1. Yeah I don't go quite that far haha! Thank you :) xx

  12. Loving the topic.
    Great post.

    1. Thank you, hope it gave you a bit of a laugh xx

  13. LOL at holding it with you teeth!

    Corinne x

    1. haha most nervewracking ten seconds trying not to drop it in my coffee!xx

  14. Haha, I always love your honesty Amy! These are some funny situations, and ones I'm pretty sure we can all relate to in some way or another!! x

    1. so glad you like it Gabrielle, I'm sure we all do things like this! xx

  15. Haha love this, true commitment!

  16. This post was hilarious and I so relate!! The ridiculous things we do!! haha :p I have to say, I do really enjoy it though, it's such a fun way to express creativity, even if others may think we're a little bit mad!! I can't think of the craziest thing I've done for a photo, but I'm sure there have been many... cups of tea and white sheets come to mind!

    Lauren x


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