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Accepting My Imperfections

Accepting My Imperfections

Posted on: Sunday, 3 September 2017

When I first started blogging I used to hate outfit pictures because I'd have to sift through the bad ones to find the few that I didn't mind putting on the internet. The bad ones would show off my big nose that I was so self-conscious about, my long square teeth that I hated smiling with and the true size of my thighs that in my head I liked to pretend were thinner. When we look in a mirror we don't see ourselves from every angle so it can come as a bit of a surprise when you see a picture of yourself from a different angle and realise that you're 'not as pretty' as you'd thought. The funny thing is, after taking outfit pictures for a while, I became used to seeing those things and more at peace with the fact that this is what I look like. Yes, I have a big nose, but I wouldn't look like me if I didn't. The ironic fact is that scrutinising my 'imperfections' a hundred times over in various pictures has almost made me bored of hating them.

I think it's also important to remember that imperfections are completely subjective. I've never smiled with my teeth in pictures until recently because I've always hated my teeth, yet other people say I have a nice smile. Maybe they're just being nice or maybe they genuinely think that and we all overthink what we perceive as our own imperfections far too much. I couldn't look at any of my friends and pick out their 'imperfections' because to me they're all gorgeous and what they perceive to be an imperfection will probably be something I've never even noticed.

Imperfections aren't really imperfections, they're just differences. They're the things about us that make us unique to other people, the things that make us look like us. I mean, it'd be pretty boring if we all looked the same wouldn't it? So here I am showing off all my imperfections in a set of outfit pictures, smiling with my teeth, showing my nose from the side I hate and wearing the most thigh hugging jeans that I own. Here's to not only accepting our imperfections, but owning them and showing them off to the world (or the small minority of people that read this blog anyway...)

Amy x


  1. I totally agree with the over-scrutiny of outfit pictures and I think I'm getting better at it as time goes on. Great autumnal look as well, I just bought some new Joni jeans last week too!
    Have a lovely day :)
    Rosanna x
    Rose's Rooftop

    1. Thank you lovely, Joni jeans are the best aren't they! xx

  2. I can so relate, I'm not such a fan of my face in photos! I think you look so gorge though, you have a beautiful smile. You're so right, 'imperfections' are just differences, how boring would it be if we were all identical? x

    What Josie Did Next

    1. It would be so boring! And I think you look gorge in photos so it really just shows it's all in our own heads! xx

  3. I couldn't agree more! I think it's important to embrace our imperfections. Also, loving your outfit pics!

    Have an awesome day!
    xx Kris

    1. Thanks so much lovely, I'm glad you agree xx

  4. "Imperfections aren't really imperfections, they're just differences." I really like that perspective! Your smile really is gorgeous, girl :)

    1. I'm trying very hard to stick to that perspective! Thank you :) xx

  5. I fully agree with your thoughts on imperfections, they are really just differences - who even gets to decide what's perfect and what isn't? Beauty is such a subjective concept and everyone has a different idea of it anyway. And it's true, we are way more critical when it comes to ourselves - never would I have thought that your nose is too big or your smile weird - you're beautiful exactly the way you are. I love the outfit you're wearing, the trench coat looks amazing xx

    1. Aw thank you so much lovely lady. It is so subjective so we shouldn't be so critical of ourselves! xx

  6. Amy you look so pretty in these pictures. Loved this post. Gemma x

    1. Thanks so much Gemma, hope you're really well xx

  7. I find it crazy to believe you could have imperfections, girl you are gorgeous! I completely relate with you though about the nose thing, I have been known to edit my nose in Instagram photos and stuff haha. But now I've kinda grown to accept it more, it's definitely hard but at the same time something we all really need to do. Love the photos by the way, you and the outfit are flawless!

    Little Moon Elephant

    1. Aw thank you you babe, it's hard isn't it but it made me so much happier when I changed my mindset! xx

  8. I love this so, so much - imperfections really are just differences and I love that perspective! I was really nodding along to the first paragraph, when I started making Rob take outfit photos it can be such a knock to your confidence that suddenly you dont see yourself as 'as pretty' as you thought before...but I am getting used to it a bit now, although still very much want to hide my teeth, legs and stomach in photos. These shots are beautiful and you have a great smile! xxx

    Sophie | Sophar So Good

    1. Yeah it's crazy isn't it! Don't get me wrong I definitely still only use the photos I like the best, but I am becoming more accepting! xx

  9. I can relate to this so much. I used to be exactly the same, I would always hate showing my teeth in pictures even though others would say I have a lovely smile. It's so important that we are pushing past what others think are imperfections and we are proud of who we are as individuals. You look amazing in these shots!

    Alys /

    1. Thank you so much lovely, I'm really trying to show my teeth more in pictures - I'm sure you have a gorgeous smile! xx

  10. You look lovely and I loved your jeans and top! I know what you mean, normally we see imperfections on ourselves and others, but so what? No one is perfect and what's perfect, after all? I see my large hips, that some people say "I would love to have them" and I think "they are crazy saying this". I see my extra stones, but so what? Like you said, then you wouldn't be you, I wouldn't be me. And honestly, when I see 2 extra stones, people may not. We are bombarded by media - saying what is cool, what is beautiful, what is fashionable, what we MUST have or not. Nonsense. We should wear and do what we like, not being too critical. You are very beautiful and I am glad you show us your pictures!

    1. It is definitely all the media that makes us scrutinise ourselves this way and you're so right, what you see other people definitely don't see as bad and would even want for themselves! xx

  11. I can definitely relate to self acceptance coming hand in hand with just getting used to what you look like! I used to untag myself from every Facebook photo that showed me from the side because I thought I looked horrendous but then one day it dawned on me that people in my life KNOW what I look like from the side, so hiding the photos was really achieving nothing haha 😂 Now that I've just become used to the things that I don't like that I know I can't change (eye bags and bum chin, woo!) I feel a lot happier in myself! Changing how you see "flaws" and understanding them as differences rather than something inherently bad is a fantastic way of looking at it - thank you for sharing this philosophy!

    Abbey 🌸

    1. From the side is so weird to get used to seeing isn't it? But yes exactly, everyone knows what you look like so no point in hiding it and it's great how much happier we can be by just accepting that we're all different! Thanks Abbey xx


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