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Does Being a Blogger Mean I'm Shallow?

Does Being a Blogger Mean I'm Shallow?

Posted on: Wednesday, 17 May 2017

All in all bloggers get quite a bad rap don't they? There's a reason I didn't tell anyone about this blog for a while and that I still feel a little awkward talking about it - there's always a little part of me wondering what people actually think about it. Maybe they like it or maybe they wonder why on earth I'd think anyone would give a crap about what I like to wear. Maybe they think I'm shallow, which tends to be a common view of bloggers in general - why would anyone want to write about clothes or holidays when there are much more important things going on in the world?

Funnily enough I'm well aware that I'm not doing anything revolutionary, I'm not trying to change the world and I'm not writing about the most important issues in existence. But I like clothes, I like food, I like interiors and I like exploring new places. And I like documenting it on my blog. Does that make me materialistic and shallow? Am I automatically a complete airhead if I like to chat about my new favourite pair of shoes or what I had for breakfast?

I actually do get it. I get why, from the outside looking in, bloggers may seem shallow. And hey, I'm sure some of them are, just like some non-bloggers are shallow too. Sure, some bloggers talk about politics and mental health and do a very good job at raising awareness of those issues. But most of us? We like a good chat about what our dream house would look like, what style of clothes we're lusting after this month and how much we love coffee (or is that last one just me?...) And yes, all of those things are quite shallow. But there are plenty of other shallow interests too, like cars, TV shows, stamp collecting... And secondly, just because I blog about my style and my house doesn't mean that's all there is to me. I pour a lot of myself into my blog, but not everything. There are things I'm interested in, things I do and things about me that never make it onto this blog and does it make me shallow that I don't talk about them? I don't think so. Maybe you do.

Unfortunately for myself I'm always going to be one of those people who worries too much about what other people think. If I wasn't I suppose I wouldn't have felt the need to write this post, which when I read it back, doesn't actually have any sort of point or conclusion does it? I guess it's just a plea from me to never judge a book by its cover because we ain't all as shallow as we seem.

Do you think bloggers are shallow or do you think that perception is wrong?

Amy x


  1. This was a really interesting read, Amy! Like you, the main reason that I haven't "come out" as a blogger to the vast majority of my real life friends is that I'm scared of their judgement! It's actually quite a big deal to open up and share your interests and hobbies online, it's a scary thing to do! I don't think blogging is shallow, after all, you can't write about anyone's experiences other than your own! You'd have conversations with friends about buying a new outfit or trying a new recipe, so what's fundamentally different about sharing it online? I try to look at it that way!

    Abbey ❤

    1. Yeah you're so right, it's just like having that conversation with a lot of friends haha! It's a shame we have to be worried about judgment - I know my friends are fine with it, it's more people I don't know as well that I'd be worried about! xx

  2. I love this! I feel like everyone sees blogging as something which is to promote and boast but really it is the opposite. You do you! I'm also the same I do not enjoy talking about my blog to people really as I just feel as though people don't really get what it is all about.

    Lucy |

    1. It's just awkward isn't it - I don't know why! And yeah it's definitely not boasting! xx

  3. You make an interesting point that I'd not really thought about before but I know that some people have judged me in the past for blogging. I just see it as a creative hobby and don't care what people think!
    Have a lovely day :)
    Rosanna x
    Rose's Rooftop

    1. That's a great attitude to have Rosanna, hope you're having a lovely week! xx

  4. I definitely don't think bloggers are shallow unless they are completely obssessed with blogging and look down on people with less fashion sense! You do you girl! :)

    1. Yeah I'm sure some are but the majority of us definitely aren't! xx

  5. This is a really interesting post, I have never thought about this topic to be honest. I think most bloggers aren't shallow and I would never consider your blog shallow - you share content you are passionate about and you talk about your hobbies and things you enjoy; there is nothing wrong with sharing your interests and I think that a lot of your blog posts are actually really inspiring, especially the ones about your sister and your fashion posts because they inspire others to express themselves through fashion and to be themselves. xx

    1. Aw thank you Mira that's such a lovely thing to say - I agree that most bloggers aren't shallow :) xx

  6. A very interesting post, Amy! I disagree with the notion that bloggers are merely shallow airheads - that generalisation itself says more about the person making it, in my opinion. People are multifaceted, and I think it's easy to forget that.

    1. Yeah it's like any sort of judgement - always says more about the person making it I think! xx

  7. I think it can be seen as a weird thing to do. I didnt tell anyone for ages for the same reasons of you. Most people think it's great, though!

    Corinne x

    1. Yeah I had such a great response when I did tell people about it! xx

  8. I've not once stopped to think about what other people would think about my blog, I mean, I was worried originally about starting a blog because it wasn't "normal" but I was never afraid to share it once I did. If you love something you should wear it and talk about it with the most pride you've got and thats exactly how I feel about my blog. I'm not sure where the word shallow comes into judging someone's interest or hobbies as I've never once thought like that about any one's interests. I just googled exactly what people think shallow means to make sure I wasn't getting the wrong end of the stick with the word but I found somewhere that says being shallow is judging somebody on their looks and not who they are by personality. I don't think shallow is the right word to brand a blogger, a footballer, a artist, a writer, etc. It's more of a word that you use to describe somebody that thinks that way and although there might be shallow people that also happen to be bloggers, being a blogger does not make somebody shallow.

    1. I think shallow means lacking depth - generally yes people would use it to describe someone judging someone on their looks because it shows they're not looking any deeper than the surface but I think in general shallow would mean lacking any sort of depth and I think this is unfortunately something that is thought of beauty and fashion bloggers in particular - obviously it's not true! xx

  9. I totally understan you. When people ask me whether I work or no, I don't like to tell them that I'm a blogger, because many of them still don't understand what blogging is. (?)

    Nina's Style Blog

    1. It's great that you can do it for a job though - it's a shame people don't get it! xx

  10. I haven't thought about this much, but now you got me thinking haha! My blog was a space for me to share my creative side and I feel like I'm staying true to me. I don't think bloggers are shallow, I see it as art and a creative space!

    1. Yeah same - I definitely think blogs are generally a creative outlet and not somewhere to just talk about ourselves! xx

  11. great post! I feel the same way, like when I work with brands I feel like some people are just like 'she's showing off the freebies she gets' but it's not like we don't have work to do too! xx


    1. Yeah exactly - it's not just getting free stuff - in fact it's not even free because it comes with a lot of work! xx

  12. I'm very lucky that my close knit friends either don't care about the fact that I blog at all or they love reading and have become fans! For me, my blog is just an outlet for me to write! I do care what other people think so when people comment or share my posts on social media, I get excited! I might be shallow because I do care about numbers and blog mostly about beauty and fitness but there's definitely more to me than that and many other bloggers' too! I like sharing most of my life on social media and my blog but there's so much more to me than just what I put out there!

    Sian x

    1. I don't think caring about numbers means you're shallow at all - it just means you're ambitious and want to keep improving your blog which is great! xx

  13. First of all, I'd just like to point out how much your blog is killing it right now. Ok, done. Secondly, this post speaks to me so much. I have actually given up on trying to let people realise that it's not a shallow thing that we're doing, neither is it in any way easy... but some people will never get it. Yes we post photos of ourselves, but it's a creative outlet, not a "look at me" show. I honestly just adore this post my love!


    1. Oh you babe, thank you! And yes definitely not a 'look at me' show! xx

  14. I am not very open about blogging myself because people instantly make assumptions and I just don't care to talk about it. You're not shallow, what even is shallow anyway? I don't think it's fair that people get labelled with terms that most people don't understand. Shallow is subjective so try not to let it get to you. I understand it is easier said than done, but I love your blog and I am sure many others do too. Don't let the haters bring you down xxx

    ALittleKiran | Bloglovin

    1. Thank you lovely, and yes shallow is so subjective - I think it says more about the person doing the judging! xx

  15. I've always loved blogging as a creative outlet and never cared about what someone else might think of me, there are so many shallow things in life (and people as well) but most bloggers definitely don't deserve to be put in that category. Blogging is hard work, even when it's just a hobby and talking about our favourite clothes / shoes / interiors / dreams sometimes can brighten up my entire day more than anything. There's nothing shallow about being a blogger and everyone who thinks differently obviously has never tried to write a single post. Cheers to blogging! xx

    1. Cheers to blogging indeed! Yeah there's definitely nothing shallow about sharing your passions! xx

  16. Great post and you made some interesting points. Gemma x

    1. Thanks so much Gemma, hope you're having a good week xx

  17. I feel as though blogging is something I love doing, and I shouldn't be judged for something I enjoy doing. However, I know that is not the case, and I probably do come across as shallow when I am talking about it, but I think its more that I am excited about what I do and progressing. Lovely post though, a very different read! xx

    1. Unfortunately we are judged for it, but at least we know we're not shallow! xx

  18. I haven't told most people I blog because I enjoy having somewhere on the internet to write that is completely separate to my friends and family? Their judgement wouldn't bother me because I enjoy writing either way x

    Kayleigh Zara

    1. That's good that it wouldn't bother you - I get wanting somewhere separate though xx

  19. I don't think bloggers are shallow at all! Just because you blog doesn't mean you're any shallower than the next person! People are silly :)

    Olivia / Olivia Roses

    1. I completely agree! Just something I was thinking about :) xx

  20. Ahh I can understand why it may seem that way on the surface to others, but personally, I think blogging attracts the creatives - those who love to create and appreciate the beautiful, you know? :) Very interesting post as always Amy!

    Gabrielle | A Glass Of Ice | Worldwide NARS Beauty Giveaway x

    1. Yes definitely and everyone I follow (you included) is creating such beautiful content at the moment! xx

  21. Amy like you I worry too much what people think, and when I mentioned to someone I have a blog they said "oh... who doesn't" and rolled their eyes. I contemplated deleting my blog... I feel ashamed and embarrassed and felt like a sheep, but then I remembered WHY I started blogging... (apart from boring James with talking about makeup) I wanted to connect with like minded people, and I don't regret it for a second, not only do I get off my chest my loves for beauty I have met a bunch of bloggers I thoroughly enjoy chatting to and care about... and absolutely love their content that they share. Its ok for outsiders to think what they want... they just don't get :) xxxxxxxx

    1. Aw no Lucy you definitely shouldn't have felt embarrassed! Luckily for all those who don't get it there are just as many others who do and are lovely! xx

  22. Brilliant post Amy and it got me thinking about being a blogger and what it means. I think of blogging as my own personal space and journal so don't really think too much about what others think about it really. I try to keep my topics light and happy, and love connecting with fellow bloggers who I now class as friends. I wouldn't have it any other way really.

    Steph xx

    Steph’s World | Lifestyle Blog |

    1. That's good that you don't think about it too much - I'm definitely an over thinker! xx

  23. Definitely a great read Amy! I totally get what you mean- a lot of people think we're either blogging because we love to talk about ourselves, or because we're in it for the money. I actually got asked the other day what was the point in me doing it if I wasn't going to make a huge pile of money from it? Crazy. Nobody seems to understand how much work we put into them, and also just how much we actually learn from it!

    Lauren | Lauren the Daydreamer

    1. Thank you so much lovely - yes exactly! xx

  24. Hi Amy, I think that the shallow blogger idea comes from those who've never blogged!
    Because once you start you realise that as in any other activity you will meet all kinds of people...
    I find it enriching, encouraging, eye opening - its a totally different way of connecting.
    I've been doing it for years and for me its a hobby, a way to track my spendings and so on.
    Like you I tend to care about what people think, a little too much in fact... and blogging has given me a ton of confidence and DGAFs. ;)

    1. Yeah blogging has given me so much confidence too :) And I agree it does come from those who've never blogged! xx


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