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Life Through Instagram

Life Through Instagram

Posted on: Sunday 12 March 2017

Oh Instagram...

I for one am a complete Instagram fiend, I love nothing more than a good scroll for style inspiration, travel daydreaming and just a good old nosy at other people's lives. I also love posting - sharing what I'm wearing/eating/doing day to day and seeing the quality of my feed gradually improve. The comparison game can be real and I'm well aware when I'm playing the comparison game that plenty of the people I'm comparing my 'success rate' to have bought followers from somewhere like Twicsy Instagram followers. I'm well aware that Instagram isn't real life because of the simple fact that what I post on my own Instagram isn't a true reflection of my life. I don't Instagram my under eye bags, my trip to the supermarket or my unmade bed. I think it's widely expected that we choose the best bits of our lives, photograph the cleanest parts of our houses and only post food when it's avocado on toast and not when it's McDonalds. The truth is, pretty things make a pretty feed and the real things in life aren't always pretty so they just don't make the cut. 

I think the fact that we only post the best bits of our lives is actually a good thing because it means that Instagram is a really positive place. As long as we all know that everyone is only showing the good then it's fine. The danger of Instagram is when it comes to younger people and whether they know this or whether they think Instagram is actually a true representation of people's lives. That's where comparison comes into it and I'm sure that's something not just limited to young people. You can't compare yourself to all the gorgeous selfies because nobody is going to post a bad picture of themselves. You can't compare your life at work to someone who is living it up in the Maldives because they'll have boring days at work too. You can't beat yourself up for eating pizza when everyone seems to be Instagramming green smoothies because I'm pretty sure they eat pizza too.

Because of this Instagram has the reputation of being fake. Although I'm not naive and I'm sure there are accounts that are complete set ups, I don't think that only posting the nice things makes anyone 'fake'. Yes it's edited and it's not your whole life, but it is real snippets of life. Instagram might give you wanderlust and make you want things you don't have, but it also makes you appreciate the little things in life because let's face it, you're always looking for them so you can Instagram them. I'm sure I'm not the only one who pays more attention to the world around them, searching for little bits of beauty like flowers and pretty buildings just so I can Instagram them. Maybe that's the wrong reason to be paying attention to the world around me, but hey, at least I'm doing it right? 

Instagram is an edited version of life and I think as long as people aren't being deceitful then that's fine. The majority of people are starting to write longer captions and I love this transition of Instagram from photo sharing app to micro blogging platform because I do think it is making it a more honest and raw place and most of the feeds with large audiences that I follow do seem to take their responsibility seriously, which is great. I also think the introduction of Instagram stories is a great way to make the app more raw because I think people tend to use it for pictures of real life that aren't pretty enough to Instagram (that's how I use it anyway...and yes I have Instagram storied my McDonalds.) I can kind of see both sides of the Instagram argument, but I firmly Team Instagram. 

What's your opinion on Instagram? Do you think it's fake?

Amy x


  1. I'm really torn on this one. On the one hand, like you I like nice feeds. But from the point of view of using Instagram, I think it was more fun when it was more immediate and people just posted whatever they were doing with a filter to make it look 'vintage'. It is SO curated now and that makes me a bit sad. I agree about stories - I post any old rubbish on there and I think that has brought some of the original spirit of Instagram back.

    1. I think there was much less pressure when it was immediate as well so I do kind of miss that. I try and make mine as immediate as possible apart from things like outfit pictures that I tend to post throughout the week that post goes live or when I have nothing else to post haha! xx

  2. Really enjoyed reading this post! And I agree, I love that Instagram is becoming more of a micro-blogging platform, I often ask questions in my captions to start a conversation with my followers. And I think Instagram is somewhere between Facebook and Pinterest in its appearance and I absolutely have no problem with it. I'm also very much a "ooooh I wonder how many IG shots I can get out of this" person 😂

    Lots of love Izzy (another Instagram whore)

    1. Haha glad you're a fellow Instagram whore - it is so nice to ask questions and interact a bit more I think! xx

  3. I loved reading this! I am completely with you, I love instagram, I think of course it's going to be edited, because let's face it no one does exciting things every single day xxxxx

    1. Thanks so much Tasha, yes I think as long as people aren't lying and pretending they're doing exciting things every single day then it's fine! xx

  4. A really interesting post here, Amy! I totally agree with you that Instagram does need to be taken with a pinch of salt because it is such a heavily edited version of real life, which is something that impressionable young people may not realise! I also think you're right about Instagram stories making the app a little more raw and introducing some more real elements, I especially love the fact that people can live-stream! Personally I think that IG will always be a little bit fake, but that it can still be an inspirational and positive app to use if people bear in mind that it's not the most realistic representation of people's days!

    Abbey 🌸

    1. Yes that's basically my exact opinion but you worded it far better than I ever could haha! xx

  5. My Instagram is totally set up, a take photos once a week and then upload them as the week goes on. I put personal captions though with what's going on and share the good and bad. I like to keep it positive. I like the fact that Instagram is the one place I put out the bestest version of myself. But I often mention that life sometimes isn't perfect and for no one to judge because what you see is a very small part of who I am.

    Tania ||

    1. I think that personal captions really help, also with an account like yours when it's mainly products you're photographing I think people expect you to have taken the photos in advance :) xx

  6. I only view others Instagram rather than upload myself and whilst I quite like mincroblogging with the longer captions, I don't like when it is attached to a completely unrelated picture and nothing to do with what they are doing at that moment. The whole point I thought was to snap a picture of the here and now and not use some image you took four weeks ago. But that's just my opinion. :)
    Amy at Amy & More

    1. Yes totally get what you mean about the non-related picture especially because some people probably don't read captions! It's hard to find the balance between capturing the here and now and having a nice constant feed I think! xx

  7. I kind of miss what it was like a few years ago, just quickly take a snap of whatever you're doing, stikc a filter over it and hey presto. However I equally like what it is today, I love carefully curating my feed like it's my own little gallery

    1. Yeah same, I think there was less pressure a few years ago because it was so instant, but I do still like it now! xx

  8. This is such a fabulously written post and you've totally echoed my thoughts! I love IG as a platform to experiment and up my photography & editing skills and, of course, seeing a snippet into others' daily lives :D! Loving IG stories at the moment too! :D

    Style Sunrise☀


    1. Thanks so much Karen, I'm glad you agree :) I need to start using stories more - always watch yours! xx

  9. Instagram is a life, love this social but is a very mystery followers and fake. Amazing post! :)

    1. Thank you for reading and for commenting lovely! xx

  10. I feel like Instagram can be fake depending on who you follow if that makes sense. Of course everyone wants to post about the best aspect of their lives to share on social media but I have quite a few friends who post what's going on good or bad and I appreciate it because they're being honest. Then there are celebs and others who just post everything amazing because that's their life when it's not very true. It's a hard toss up.

    Single Vegas Girl

    1. Yeah definitely depends on who you follow! Luckily I think I mostly follow honest people! xx

  11. I love this post and really feel - I definitely think you can't take everything on instagram at face value because alot of the time it is edited and not completely real etc! I follow a super large range of people from artists/bloggers etc so my feed is a great mix x

    1. That's great that your feed is a mix - mine is too actually which is quite refreshing! xx

  12. I miss Instagram and how fun it used to be with no pressure to make our feed look pretty or anything. However, I do also enjoy people's edits and having a pretty feed nowadays. Haha I think I do a little of both on mine, so it's still me!

    1. Yeah same! I'm so torn haha, but I do like making my feed look nice! xx

  13. I think it's really hard to know where to draw the line as the people that seem to post genuine pictures of their day to day lives often don't have anywhere near as many followers as the ones who selectively post and edit their pictures. It can be very misleading, especially to teenagers like you say!


    1. Yeah that's very true - I try to post day to day pictures but want them to look nice which unfortunately means sometimes I don't post as much as I'd like! xx

  14. You definitely make some interesting points I'd never considered before Amy! I am definitely guilty of wanting to make my Instagram look 'perfect' so maybe I need to relax a bit more!!
    Have a lovely day :)
    Rosanna x
    Rose's Rooftop

    1. I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to make your Instagram look perfect - I certainly do, I guess it's just how you go about that! xx

  15. You have raised some great points here. Have a great start to your week.

    Gemma x

    1. Thanks Gemma, hope you're having a great week so far xx

  16. I love Instagram; I love seeing pretty, edited photos but then I do miss the realism of it too. However, I live such a boring life that nobody wants to see a photo of me sat in bed every single night after work stuffing my face with chocolate and watching TV boxsets haha!

    Sian x

    1. Haha tell me about it! Anyone want to see a picture of me hoovering? I don't think so! xx

  17. Instagram is by far my favourite social network and even though I'm fully aware that most of the pictures are carefully curated, I don't care because it's filled with inspiring people and positivity. I actually mostly follow travel and photography with some fashion on the side profiles so there's not a lot fakeness in there but I agree with you - I think it's important to make sure that younger generations know that this network isn't about showcasing the 'real life' because they can easily get lost in all that staged-up perfection, especially when it comes to the body image.


    1. It's my favourite too and I personally find it very inspiring and positive but I do think it depends who you follow and how much you believe it's like real life! xx

  18. I love reading people's opinions on Instagram, and this post was a great read! I agree Insta-Stories has definitely brought back some of the authenticity to the platform, though like you I also 100% appreciate the general 'prettiness' of curated feeds. You make a brilliant point about Instagram being dangerous for younger people though, when they don't realise how much is Real vs. Fake!

    1. Yeah, I do think there should maybe be a higher age limit especially because the type of people younger people will tend to follow are probably the more fake profiles! xx

  19. I think its ridiculous when people say social media and instagram can make people feel bad about themselves because some peoples lives look perfect. If you're old enough to use the internet then you should be old enough to understand that it's just the best parts that go online. I don't talk about my bad days and when I'm down on my blog and social media, just like I don't go to work and start telling everyone about my personal issues either!

    Corinne x

    1. You're so right about the fact that people should understand that about the internet, but I think the age people start using Instagram is definitely too young! xx

  20. Instagram and facebook are really things that can show an edited life, and I didn't want to take part of Instagram... who knows whether I will do it in the future, but I don't know. Right now I am Ok this way :) I do agree with your thoughts, it's good that people started writing longer captions! Hope you have a very beautiful week!

    1. Thank you Denise, hope you're having a lovely week so far! xx

  21. Hi! I completely agree with this post. Of course we filter out lives a bit. Instagram is basically an online photo album. People always put their best shots in photo albums - who shows off the naff photos of themselves eating beans on toast? As long as everybody takes it with a pinch of salt, there shouldn't be a problem.

    1. An online photo album is such a good way to think of it because you're right - you'd only display nice photos around your house so why would you do any different online? xx

  22. I love IG and your feed is always on point! My biggest struggle with it is I never know what to post. Mu life isn't very photogenic, haha. Sometimes, I just post a quote that fits my mood xx

    Edye |

    1. Aw thank you! Quotes are a great thing to post I think :) xx

  23. Yes girl I LOVE this post! I have a massive love/hate affair with Instagram lately - some days I love it and others I can't even look at it. Sometimes the over edited and staged images annoy me but sometimes I love to post them myself; massive catch 22 but I feel that as long as we're true to what we 'want' to post then that's all we can do! :)

    Hayley xo

    1. Yeah I think it's just the level of understanding that's needed to take it with a pinch of salt. Quite often I'll post what I'm doing at that moment but I've still thought about where I can sit/how I can position things to make it look better! xx

  24. Great post! I love instagram too and I spend hours browsing my favourite accounts and of course, taking lovely photos and posting them on my account. I agree that it is a happy and positive place and gives me so much inspiration but of course, it is not a reflection of real life, only a small part of it. Still, I love it and I have one for my dog too, it's a great way to document his life!


    1. Aw so cute that you have one for your dog and will be lovely to look back on over the years! xx

  25. I really enjoyed reading this post!
    Instagram is what you are! If you are fake and live for the appearances, that's what your instagram will be! But if you really know who you are and want to inspire people more and more.. instagram is a great way to do it! :D

    1. Thank you so much - 'Instagram is what you are' is such a great way to phrase it and so true xx

  26. I completely agree, like its is now such a great platform for bloggers, Instagram is my favourite social media platform. I just love sharing my photos, but I do agree it can be quite fake. People can show such a perfect side of there live and for the younger audiences it can be hard!!! xox

    1. Yeah I think it's fine as long as you realise, but for young audiences that's probably hard! xx

  27. Like you I love Instagram, it can seem fake at times but as you say it's a positive place. I like Instagram more than any other social platform xxxxxxx

    1. Definitely one of my faves to use and browse through! xx


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