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How To Shop On Vinted

How To Shop On Vinted

Posted on: Sunday, 18 June 2023

mid close up of Amy, she is wearing a white collared cardigan and has her hand on her hip. She is looking off camera

A more suitable title for this post would probably be 'How I Shop On Vinted' because I'm certainly not some sort of Vinted expert, I've just been using it a lot recently and it really depends what you're hoping to get out of second hand shopping online. Personally, I use Vinted to both buy and sell for me and my baby boy and I generally only use it for things I'm specifically looking for (although I am partial to a browse through the 'recommended for you' section now and again).

Save your account balance // As I mentioned in my post about slow fashion on a budget, I've been trying to rediscover my style while not actually spending any money (hello maternity leave) so when I've been selling my clothes on Vinted I've been saving the money up in my account balance to spend on new to me items. It feels like such a treat and it also helps keep my buying in check because I can only buy something for me if I've sold something! 

Be specific with your searches // There are a lot of clothes on Vinted so if you're looking for something specific (which I always am) I've found it's best to be as specific as possible in your search terms and it also helps to apply filters. I always filter by size, often by colour, by brand if I'm looking for a specific brand and sometimes condition too depending on the item. An example of a search I've done recently is for vest tops where I've searched for 'racer back ribbed vest top' rather than just 'vest top' then filtered by size and colour. 

Always make an offer // I think Vinted is a great platform for selling because when you list an item that's the money you get into your account once you've sold it (as opposed to Depop for example, where you're charged fees). This is because the fee is paid by the buyer so when I'm buying something I'm always mindful of the fact that I have the fee plus postage to pay too and I'll always make an offer to see if I can get a slightly better deal. Unless it's a very high in demand item I find offers are usually accepted so it's always worth making one.

Shop bundles where you can // A bundle is where you buy more than one item from the same seller. Often you can save a percentage of the items by bundling, or at worst you at least save on postage because they can send the items together. I always make a point of looking through seller's other items to see if I can bundle, particularly on childrens clothes.

Play the waiting game for a bargain // Some more popular items can be, in my opinion, a bit overpriced for the platform because people know they will sell. I was looking for some Tala leggings a few weeks ago and as they're a popular and pricey brand they tend to sell for at least £20 on Vinted. I saved my search for them, then every time I went on the app I had a look to see if any new ones had been listed. I managed to snap up some for £9 that had only been posted for five minutes. Happy days.

Do you shop on Vinted?


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