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What I've Been Reading, Watching And Listening To // November

What I've Been Reading, Watching And Listening To // November

Posted on: Sunday 27 November 2022

close up of the pages of a book on its side

After bragging last month that I'd still been managing to read while breastfeeding, my baby has progressed to a rather wriggly feeder and also isn't feeding for as long now he's a little older so I've managed to read a total of one book in November. I debated whether it was worth still writing this post, but it'll just be a short and sweet one! 

R E A D I N G :

The Switch by Beth O'Leary // When both a young woman and her grandmother feel in a bit of a rut in their lives they decide to do a life swap; Leena moves to the Yorkshire Dales while her grandma Eileen moves to London. This was entertaining and light-hearted and I really enjoyed it. I gave it three stars (I'm trying to be a little harsher with my star ratings so that I don't end up just giving everything a four!)

W A T C H I N G :

I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here // ITV // As much as I dislike watching Matt Hancock on the telly we watch this every year and I'm so pleased it's back in the jungle now (the castle wasn't quite the same was it?). It's been easy watching with breakfast when we can (we're definitely not up late enough to catch it in the evening!)

And that concludes probably the shortest post of this kind I've ever written! 


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