'Well your thing is writing isn't it?' he replied.
Oh yes, writing.
The thing is, the longest thing I've written over the past few months is probably a shopping list (which I do write out twice to be fair, once in the order that I think of things, then re-written in the order I'll come to things in the supermarket, obviously).
I've written pretty much since I learnt to write, which sounds like a fairly obvious statement, so maybe I should explain a little. I wrote my first story before I could even write my bs and ds the right way round, I wrote my first 'book' aged 7 which my mum painstakingly typed up on the computer and printed out for me and I wrote on this blog every week pretty much religiously for a good six years.
So why did I stop? Has writing stopped being my 'thing'?
Well, no, in a word. I suppose a big part of it is that I simply started prioritising other life stuff and stopped prioritising writing, but I'd also stopped writing for the sake of writing; I was caught up in trying to 'offer' something to an audience (which may or may not still exist), and if I couldn't think of something insightful or helpful to write, I just wouldn't. And that's where the pleasure of writing gets a little lost and becomes something of a chore. And if it's a chore that I don't have to complete, why would I do it?
Here's the thing though; I really miss it. I miss sitting down and tapping out the next five hundred or so words that come into my head without too much thought or editing; simply articulating what comes into my mind onto paper (well onto screen, paper just sounds more romantic doesn't it?), enjoying the fact that I can somehow make my thoughts makes sense when written where sometimes I can't when spoken out loud.
So here I am, writing for the sake of writing, and honestly really quite enjoying it. In an attempt to re-kickstart (if that is a phrase) this little blog of mine I've had a redesign, which I do rather like looking at so here's hoping I carry on being inspired to type away.
Amy x
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