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Slow Fashion Season // Shopping Vintage

Slow Fashion Season // Shopping Vintage

Posted on: Sunday 12 July 2020

I made a promise to myself that during slow fashion season I'd do some actual research along with not buying anything new in an attempt to change my habits and mindset in the long term and the first point I've chosen to focus on is shopping vintage. 

I've always had mixed feelings about shopping vintage; on the one hand I adore vintage style and have found some absolute gems for my wardrobe over the years. On the other hand, there's always been a niggle in my mind that it's sort of just overpriced second hand.

However as I've gotten older and my mindset has shifted, I've realised that unless you're willing to scour every single charity shop in the land to find a decent vintage-style item in your size then spend some time professionally cleaning/mending and sprucing it up, shopping vintage is expensive for a reason; someone has already done all that for you.

On top of that I've read some posts surrounding the gentrification of charity shopping; essentially where second hand shopping has become more popular due to movements such as slow fashion season, it's having an impact on the people for whom charity shops are their only option, making clothing less available and more expensive for them.

I'm not really in a position to spend a lot of money on vintage clothing, but I have found some decent in-betweenly-priced (yep that's an expression) vintage stores to shop from, plus when I thought about the vintage clothing I already own (which was surprisingly more than I thought) I've always managed to find pretty good bargains (the dress in the above photo was £5 so that's just excellent really isn't it).

 I love a good rummage through a vintage shop as much as the next person (unless said person doesn't like rummaging through vintage shops then my point is invalid but I'm sure you get my drift okay then), but I still don't feel particularly comfortable with shopping for leisure in the current situation so I've done most of my hunting online, however as I want my better shopping habits to have a lasting effect I'm going to make suggestions based on life when it returns to normal too. 

So after a rather long winded introduction and ramble there, here are some options and tips for shopping vintage from an amateur vintage shopper:

LOOK LOCAL // Search out local vintage shops or local independent shops with vintage options. In Hull Chinese Laundry and Beasley's are have their own vintage sections so if you think there aren't any vintage shops local to you then check your independents to see if they do something similar. As well as being sustainable you're also supporting a local independent business, plus the vintage clothing tends to be affordable. 

VINTAGE FAIRS // Obviously these aren't really happening at the moment, but I know that in normal circumstances Hull has a huge vintage fair every few months. I've only been once, and that was back in the days when I was still a little sceptical of vintage so I'm itching to go back once they're allowed again. The good thing about fairs is that you can shop to your own budget and style as there is such a variety of stalls. There's usually an entry fee, but I've found it to be worth it!

ONLINE // The great thing about online is that there's such a huge variety of online vintage shops with a lot more choice than a physical shop is able to have. I recently trawled through The Vintage Scene for hours because there's so much choice. The one negative I've found to shopping vintage online is the sizing; vintage sizes differ so much that it really does help if you're able to try things on and despite ordering a dress that claimed to be a size 10 it would appear I actually ordered an oversized pair of curtains so definitely look out for places that offer returns!

How do you feel about shopping vintage? Throw any tips my way as I'm clearly still very much an amateur...

Amy x 


  1. That dress is beautiful and such a bargain on you! I don't find a lot of vintage in the opshops here - although there are a few that do flag vintage pieces and have a higher price on them. I think it takes a lot of time and patience to shop vintage as you need to know your stuff and as you said be able to figure out the size while ignoring the tags! Most of the vintage pieces I had in my wardrobe I eventually let go - as polyester isn't really breathable in the heat and wool is kinda itchy, ha! Plus the place I bought those vintage pieces from closed up shop sadly!

    Hope you are having a lovely weekend :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Awh that's a shame there's not a lot round where you are, I think the UK is pretty good for it really! xx

  2. These are really great tips, thanks so much for sharing. I have never visited a vintage shop before, but I'd love to. Having a rummage sounds like so much fun, and I can only imagine how many gems you can possibly find xo

    Makeup Muddle

    1. It's so much fun, hope you get to explore one soon! xx

  3. This is such a great post, and something so important to highlight (especially now I feel.) I totally agree with your point on the gentrification of charity shops, and those that have no other option are almost being priced out. Second hand is so amazing but it's important that it's not taken advantage of for purely profit based purposes. Have to say I've been very guilty of extensive depop-ping during lockdown! Plus, you look fabulous in this outfit, super dreamy look <3

    // xx

    1. I'm going to be joining you with the extensive depop-ping from now on I just downloaded it! Thanks so much for reading lovely xx


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