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Recent Reads I'd Recommend #4

Recent Reads I'd Recommend #4

Posted on: Sunday, 28 June 2020

It's been almost two whole years since I wrote Recent Reads I'd Recommend #3 and I don't really have an excuse as to why because it's not like I stopped reading. With the aid of lockdown I've certainly been reading a lot more recently though and fancied doing a lil' book post again. The following are the best of the best of what I've read recently:

My Sister The Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite
// I powered through this in two days (I do love a book with short chapters) and despite the rather macabre subject the way it was written wasn't too heavy. It's about a woman (Korede) whose sister (Ayoola) keeps killing the men she's dating, in self defense according to her, although Korede has her suspicions. The plot thickens (have always wanted to use that expression to describe a book) when Ayoola starts dating a man Korede is in love with.

Girl, Woman, Other by Bernadine Evaristo // This was a very cleverly written book, telling the stories of twelve different women whose stories weave in and out of each other's as they're connected in some way or other. It explores topics such as race, sexuality, feminism, gender, wealth along with the intersectionality of those issues. The book ends on a twist, but I would have been hooked regardless. This may just be my favourite read of 2020 so far.

Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid // This was another book that I absolutely powered through. It's an account of a seventies rock band's rise to fame by the band members themselves, written interview style, which I really enjoyed. I did have to look up whether they were a real band or not more than once because it's written so convincingly (spoiler: they're not although I have read that they're loosely based on Fleetwood Mac). 

The Binding by Bridget Collins // This was a slow burner for me; it's written in three parts and I didn't start properly enjoying it until part two, but once I started enjoying it I really enjoyed it and whizzed through the rest so it's 100% worth sticking with. It's a magical story of forbidden love, betrayal and books that can bind memories people wish to forget, which sounds good on paper (nice unintentional pun there Amy), but there's obviously a lot more to it than that.

If you have any book recommendations please drop them below as I'm always on the lookout! 

Amy x


  1. I've heard so many good things about that girl, Woman, Other book, I really need to read it! I've been enjoying book club (my neighbours set up a virtual one) and I'm trying to find more time for reading as a result of it! :)

    Hope you are having a lovely week! :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Oooh a virtual book club is a fab idea! x

  2. These books sounds very interesting. I need to check them. Thank you for recommendation.

    New Post -

  3. Thank you for the recommendations, I want to check out "My sister the serial killer."

    Perla Lifestyle Blog

    1. It's so good, you should definitely read it! x

  4. I'm always on the look out for some new readers, so these were really helpful! I like the sound of the Binding, I hate books that are slow burners but it's always good once they get really going and are worth the wait! xo

    Makeup Muddle


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