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The Happy List // 3.0

The Happy List // 3.0

Posted on: Wednesday, 10 July 2019

That fresh morning feeling when you've had your windows open all night.

Floaty dresses.


Having a good outfit week.

Falling asleep as soon as your head hits the pillow.

Lazy Sundays.

Sitting down after a big tidy.

Eating outside.

Sunny summer evenings.

Unexpected council tax refunds (and consequent ASOS orders).

Freshly painted nails.

Beer gardens.

Eau de barbecue.

Floral prints.

Sparkling water.

Feeling proud to have so many beautiful people in your life.

A rare day of absolutely no obligations.

All the patterns.

Arriving home after a long journey.

Pizza, always.


  1. Floaty dresses? Yes please! There's something so lovely about swanning around in a floaty material on a boiling hot, summer's day :) x

    1. There really is isn't there, extra points if they're floral :) xx

  2. Falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. YES! it's the best feeling, especially after a long hard day! x
    have a lovely day!

    1. I always wake up feeling so happy after that's happened! x

  3. A big yes for floaty dresses! :) Sounds like you are having a great summer!

    Hope that you are having a wonderful weekend :)

    Away From Blue

    1. Thanks lovely, hope you had a great weekend! xx


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