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Call Me Monthly // MARCH

Call Me Monthly // MARCH

Posted on: Sunday, 10 March 2019

Well hello (anyone else used to say 'wello' to save time saying that phrase or am I just a little odd? Maybe don't answer that...) Long time no post so I'm here to ease myself back in with a monthly round up of what I've been wearing/reading/listening to/everything else nobody will be interested in apart from my mum. Have a gander at this month's Pinterest board of my mind (no idea where that odd expression has come from but I'm rolling with it OK.)

V much into layers, leopard print, roll necks, chunky knits and anything three sizes too big for me. (photography: Olivia Lennon)

London Grammar // Nightcall                                                          Listen to my Spotify

Bastille // Bad Blood

Lewis Capaldi // Someone You Loved

Arctic Monkeys // Stop The World I Wanna Get Off With You

Blossoms // My Favourite Room   

DMA's // In The Air 

The Vaccines // All My Friends Are Falling In Love

London Grammar // Metal & Dust

Bastille // Send Them Off!

Arctic Monkeys // No Buses

The Last Shadow Puppets // The Meeting Place                                                                 

Amy x


  1. Welcome back! Off to have a listen to those Arctic Monkeys songs x

  2. Ahh, I always love hearing what people have been listening to of late! I'm obsessed with creating new playlists on Spotify haha. Hope you're having a lovely weekend so far, Amy! x

    1. Thanks Gabrielle, hope you're having a fab one yourself :) x

  3. Great roundup and especially like the playlist!!
    Have a lovely day :)
    Rosanna x
    Rose's Rooftop

    1. Thanks lovely, I wanna start doing one every month! xx


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