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You Don't Need To Be The Best

You Don't Need To Be The Best

Posted on: Wednesday, 14 November 2018

I've been wondering a lot recently whether I've been spreading myself too thinly. I've always been someone who likes to do a lot of different things and who has a variety of hobbies; this has always meant I'm sort of OK at a fair few things, but not stand out amazing at anything.

The thing is, I like a lot of stuff, and I think that's OK. I'd rather only be OK at a lot of things if it means I get to try all those things. 

I like writing, I like photography, I like music, I like getting crafty, I like editing. I'm not and never will be the best (or possibly any good at all) at any of these things, but I'm certainly not bored and I'm definitely enjoying myself. 

Sometimes we have to step back and realise that life isn't about always 'achieving' (I could probably write a whole separate post on what on earth achieving even means, and maybe I will). Life is about enjoying yourself (yes that's right, I think I've discovered the meaning of life and it is in fact just to have fun. Deep huh?)

On Saturday I attended the Moonpig #merriertogether Christmas party in Leeds, which was a dream for someone like me who likes to try lots of different things. (Read Moonpig's post all about it here.) We made a Christmas wreath, decorated a sack, made cocktails (my attempt at a strawberry mojito during a cocktail making competition earned me the forfeit of a chilli vodka shot - would not recommend) and designed our own Moonpig Christmas cards. Big thanks to Moonpig for having me and for all the goodies (see sack below) I left with!

I wasn't amazing at any of those things, but I tried my best and I had so much fun doing so. 

As someone who is a huge perfectionist, it's quite the paradox to have the realisation that it's OK to not be amazing at everything. I'm never happy with anything I do (a feeling I'm sure fellow perfectionists are familiar with) and even when people assure me that something is good, I assume that they're just being nice.

There's something terrifying about putting yourself, or something you've done, out there when you're not happy with it, but it's also incredibly liberating especially when you realise that actually most things are subjective and the fear that something won't be good enough isn't a reason to not do it. 

Somewhere in this blog post I think my actual point may have got a bit lost, which tends to happen when I let my fingers loose without any direction, so just to reiterate; the point is that it's OK to only be OK. 

They say it's the taking part that counts when you're playing a game and I think that's true of life as well.

Do you like variety?

Amy x


  1. What a fun looking event and great pictures too! I'm a perfectionist so I definitely struggle with this!!
    Have a lovely day :)
    Rosanna x
    Rose's Rooftop

  2. Looks like a fab event! I've definitely started thinking more like this too - it's about just enjoying the ride right? :) x

    1. It definitely is! And it was such a fab event :) xx

  3. As long as you're happy and contented with what you're doing and as long as you did your best already, it's already okay. I also enjoy taking pictures and editing but I know that I'm not good at it. Haha. It's nice to have a good read here in your blog :)


    1. As long as you enjoy doing it that's the important thing for sure :) xx

  4. You are so right Amy! I can definitely relate to what you say. The event looks great too!

    Gemma x

    1. Thanks Gemma, yeah it was such a great event! xx


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