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Call Me Monthly | November

Call Me Monthly | November

Posted on: Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Blog post wise, it's not all that long ago since my October round up, but I've let my blog take a back seat this month (something I never usually let myself do). I'd say it's because I haven't had time, but I have; I've just been spending that time doing other things, which I need to realise is OK. 

If I'm not feeling it then I'm not feeling it and I haven't been feeling it and if you wonder how many times I can fit feeling it into this sentence to ensure it makes as little sense as possible then four would be the correct answer. 

Moving on...

R E A D I N G |  I haven't done a huge amount of reading this month, but I did read Arbitrary and Unnecessary by Daniel Piper, who's actually an old school friend so it feels a bit odd to include his book in a round up because it's like LOL we really are old, he's written a bloomin' book. Anyway, Arbitrary and Unnecessary is a collection of poems (funny ones) about anything and everything, but mainly about growing up and being a twenty-something. It would make an excellent Christmas present if you have any comedy loving giftees. 

L I S T E N I N G  |  I'm about to sound like I'm going through some sort of existential crisis (I'm not), but I've taken to going for long evening walks with my headphones in and more often than not it's been London Grammar keeping me company. Their music is just so beautiful and please can I have her voice? I've started learning some on the piano so if anyone could gift me with a beautiful singing voice to go with it that would be grand.

W A T C H I N G  |  After living under a rock for a coupla years, we finally caught up this month and got Netflix (well, we got the password to my best friend's Netflix anyway). It's a bit overwhelming because there's so much on there I want to watch and have heard good things about, but for now we've started watching Better Call Saul together and I'm watching The Haunting of Hill House by myself because I'm an idiot. I'm not convinced by Better Call Saul yet, but we're persevering because I've heard it gets better.

What did you get up to in November? Also do send any Netflix recommendations my way!

Amy x


  1. I don't have Netflix either and my friend has donated her password to me too hahaha! I watched one of them cringe Christmas films (Princess Switch) and it was so bad but so good, if you know what I mean...

    1. Haha I know exactly what you mean (and generally I quite like stuff like that haha) xx

  2. Love how knowledgable you are when it comes to indoor house plants babe! Have a great week :) x

  3. Sounds like a good month! I really liked The Sinner, Stranger Things and Reign on Netflix!
    Have a lovely day :)
    Rosanna x
    Rose's Rooftop

  4. I love that cat cup! I used one of those free Netflix trials but ended up cancelling because there's sooo much on there that i just couldn't decide. I would literally spend all evening scrolling through the options. I find Amazon Prime much the same. This month, I've been watching Vic and Bob and Masterchef, listening to Shame, Hinds and Karen O - all lively bar Karen O unforts, and reading a compilation of Roald Dahl short stories from his Tales of the Unexpected phase - so brilliant x


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