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Let's Talk About #peppergate

Let's Talk About #peppergate

Posted on: Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Rewind to last Tuesday evening. I was at work and one of my colleagues had takeaway, Thai green curry to be precise. Another colleague and I were eating the peppers out of said curry because takeaway colleague (Lucy) doesn't like them. That's when pepper eating colleague (Tom) told me the pepper fact, which I will not repeat because I'm sure you've all heard it by now. I was amazed both at the actual fact and at myself for never having twigged about something that makes rather a lot of sense. I tweeted said fact, because not only do I like to educate my audience (lolololol) but I do quite like poking fun at myself too.

Wednesday night, I'm at work again and the pepper tweet is 24 hours old. I quietly mumble to yet another colleague 'Joe, I think I might be going viral.' At that moment in time the tweet had 3000 likes. By the time it eventually calmed down (Monday) it had 266k likes and 53k retweets. Friday was its peak; it was a twitter moment, it was in online magazines/newspapers and talked about on the radio. That was also the day that I logged out of Twitter for the weekend.

Going viral is weird and it has its good and bad points. Yes I gained some twitter followers and the whole thing was generally pretty funny (something to tell the grandkids eh?); on the flip side I've learnt that people will be nasty about literally anything and anyone on twitter and it's oddly invasive to suddenly see your own words plastered everywhere, despite the fact that it was you who made them public in the first place.

I could write a whole post about how my eyes have been opened to the (frankly quite mean) twitter world that exists outside of my own bubble. I have a newfound respect for anyone who gets that much attention on a daily basis and copes with it. I don't really wish to get deep and dwell on the negatives, but because I think I'm hilarious (someone has to) and because twitter doesn't get my sense of humour at all, I'd like to share some of my favourite comebacks I gave to the meanies...

And now I never want to see a pepper ever again...

Have you ever had a tweet go viral?

Amy x


  1. You're pepper fact was GENIUS! At least now you've experienced going viral, maybe you can put that on your CV? hahah


    1. Haha possibly, maybe useful for pitching haha! xx

  2. I heard about this (obvs) but didn't realise you were the originator of said tweet! I admire you for tweeting it out - Twitter is far too full of negativity and aggression which you unfortunately experienced when you were just trying to inject a much-needed lightheartedness into the whole charade x

    1. Haha, it is so annoying that people will jump on literally anything! xx

  3. OMG I remember seeing it when you tweeted it and thinking to myself "oh wow I didn't know that either!" - I had NO IDEA you'd gone viral ... how funny!! Crazy how angry, mad, stupid people are on Twitter ... SO rude! Hope it's all died down now! LOL!

    1. Haha it has died down now thankfully and I never want to think about it again hahaha xx

  4. I went viral earlier this year too! Though nowhere near your fame LOL. Mine was over a London bus announcement....

    1. Ooooh I remember that! Isn't it so odd what people pick up! xx


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