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Recent Reads I'd Recommend #2

Recent Reads I'd Recommend #2

Posted on: Wednesday 7 March 2018

I'm trying to leave the attitude of 'I'm too busy to read' behind me and spend more time reading instead of scrolling on my phone, which funnily enough I do seem to able to find time for. I'm still not reading as much as I'd like, but I'm at least reading more so that's a start. So without further ado, here are three books I've read recently that I think you should too: (and if you want even more recs see my first recent reads post here)

All The Bright Places by Jennifer Niven | If I'm honest, I picked this up because I liked the cover. That's also how I choose wine (not quite sure why that's relevant, but I guess I'm just admitting that I will just choose things because they're pretty - shallow much?). When I read the blurb I kind of expected it to be a bit of a wet young adult book, but I found myself getting really into it. Although I think it is technically a young adult book, it's quite dark and explores some really important issues surrounding mental health and grief. It follows the unlikely friendship between a teenage boy and girl who meet when they both find themselves at the top of the school bell tower ready to jump. I can't talk about it too much because I'll give away the ending, but I got so emotionally involved and the ending wasn't at all what I expected. It was excellent and also the kind of book that leaves you feeling rather emotionally drained (but that's just a sign of a good book really isn't it?) This book was made into a film so that's definitely on my watch list now!

Life After Life by Kate Atkinson | My friend had been telling me I should read this for ages and she actually bought me this for my birthday (to force me to I suppose) and I'm extremely glad she did. The start was a little slow for me, but once I got into it I couldn't put it down. It's a difficult one to describe, but I suppose it's about the infinite number of possibilities in life, how one small decision could change the whole course of it and how easily it could accidentally slip away. The main character, Ursula, dies at various ages, only for the story to begin again, changing slightly to tell how she is saved from that fate instead. As the book continues Ursula can sometimes sense when a bad situation may be about to happen and she does things others label as crazy to try and avoid it - she doesn't even know why, she just knows that she must. We're told not just one story, but the different variations of how Ursula's life could have turned out based on her decisions. It's an incredibly interesting read that I'd recommend if you like a book that makes you ask a million questions.

Small Great Things by Jodi Picoult | If you only read one of these three, make it this one. It's loosely based on real events and tells the story of a delivery nurse who is accused of murder after a baby boy dies on her watch, complicated by the fact that the parents had requested for her to have no contact with him because she's black. I love it when a book educates me and teaches me more about myself and this one taught me that I'm actually pretty ignorant to the kinds of unintentional everyday racism and stereotyping that happen all the time and that I'm probably unknowingly guilty of myself. The book certainly opened my eyes to the fact that I take it completely for granted that I am privileged and made me realise that not being racist isn't enough, we should all be actively doing more and become more comfortable with talking about racism. I feel like I can't even do this book justice by trying to write about it so you should just read it!

What have you read recently? Throw me some recommendations!

Amy x


  1. I'm currently reading Eleanor Ophiliant which everyone is raving about but I'm not actually enjoying it that much, however I loved the new Sophie Kinsella and would recommend! xx

    1. I haven't read any Sophie Kinsella so definitely need to get on that! xx

  2. All The Bright Places is amazing, it's such a gripping and emotional book and yes, it definitely left me emotionally drained. Also literally everyone I know chooses their wine based on the look of the bottle so you're not alone in being shallow when it comes to booze haha. Small Great Things sounds really interesting, I might give it a read xx

    1. Haha wine has to look pretty right? I'd definitely recommend Small Great Things, I think you'd really enjoy it! xx

  3. All the Bright Places is such a great book. I cried my eyes out when I finished it. It hit so close to home! Have you read any Rainbow Rowell?

    S | Je M'appelle Chanel

    1. It's sooo good isn't it! No I haven't read that one, I'll look it up :) xx

  4. Oooh, thanks for the recommendations! I really like Kate Atkinson so will check that book out!
    Have a lovely weekend :)
    Rosanna x
    Rose's Rooftop

    1. I definitely need to read more of hers! Hope you enjoy it xx

  5. All the bright places has been on my to read list for ages and this made me want to read it even more! I read a different Jennifer Niven one and really enjoyed it. I did an appalling job of reading in February, need to change that this month! xxx

    Sophie | Sophar So Good

    1. You should definitely read it! I've not read any others of hers! xx

  6. I'm always on the hunt for new books! These ones sound great, especially All the Bright Places. That one sounds right up my alley, thanks for sharing these picks.

    Shann Eileen |

    1. If you read it you'll have to let me know what you thought! xx


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