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5 Things Blogging Has Done For Me

5 Things Blogging Has Done For Me

Posted on: Sunday 4 December 2016

I blimmin' love blogging and I'm sure if you're reading this then you either love writing a blog yourself or love reading them (or both). This post is like a little thank you to my blog in the form of 5 things blogging has done for me/things I just love about blogging in general.

Self Confidence | There's something about the terrifying experience of having outfit pictures taken in front of random members of the public who look at you with the same expression they'd have if you were standing there naked, editing said photos while overanalysing every bit of your appearance and then uploading them for even more people to see that actually improves your self confidence. It seems like it should do the exact opposite, but I think the fact that I've put myself out there makes me feel empowered and all that jazz. Plus all the nice comments I get from you lovely lot help quite a bit (babes). The fact that I've actually told people I know about my blog just shows how far my self confidence has come (even though I do feel super awkward if anyone actually asks me about it). 

Made me a nicer person | Blogging has just made me much less judgmental because I've been able to speak to so many different people I wouldn't have otherwise and see that most people are just pretty nice really! It's kind of hard to explain so you may be better off reading my old post about it (shameless plug although that post does use the exact same photo as this one so don't judge me for recycling OK?)

Created opportunities | From working with brands and trying products I wouldn't have otherwise to attending some amazing events and meeting lovely people blogging really has given me some opportunities I'm incredibly grateful for and I'm excited for whatever is to come next! Going to events is still something that's quite nerve wracking for me because I'm a nervous nelly so I'd definitely like to go to more and get over that. 

Hooked me up with some mega babes | As briefly touched on it my last point I've been able to meet some lovely people both in person and online and it's odd to think I wouldn't have known any of those people existed if I hadn't got into blogging. It's nice to have friends who don't get embarrassed when you stand up in a cafe to take a flat lay of your coffee and cake and who you can properly chat to about blogging. 

Given me passion | Before blogging I didn't really have a proper hobby that I dedicated time to. It was just work, home and gym and I was getting kind of restless. Blogging filled that void and although I'm sometimes ridiculously busy because of work, my blog and renovating the house I wouldn't change it because blogging is something I'm completely committed to and adore. 

What has blogging done for you? 

Amy x


  1. Such a great post, I completely understand what you mean about people asking you about your blog, I feel the exact same, probably because I still don't see myself as a proper blogger!

    1. I'm glad it's not just me that feels that way! Thank you x

  2. Lovely post!! Blogging opens up great opportunities for all of us, but mostly, I am so glad I got to be a part of this lovely community and met great people, and I love to interact with other bloggers daily!


    1. Thank you - everyone is so lovely aren't they and I've met so many people I wouldn't have otherwise! xx

  3. Oh girl, I bloody LOVE this post! I whole heartedly agree that blogging has made me a nicer person too! It's also introduced me to some MEGA babes (i.e YOU) both IRL and online, my blogging fam is something I'd never take for granted.. so much love!

    Hayley xo

    1. Aw thanks Hayley you're the biggest babe <3 I love that I've been able to meet/speak to people I wouldn't have otherwise! xx

  4. Thank you, hope you've had a lovely weekend! x

  5. I loved reading this post, Amy! :) Blogging is one of my favourite things ever and I'm so happy and grateful for everything it has given me in these four years - from meeting amazing individuals online and in real life, boosting the self confidence to all those little business opportunities I never dreamed could happen! Cheers to many more years of blogging! xx

    1. Thank you! I do hope there's many more years of blogging for both of us :) xx

  6. This is such a lovely post, I'm relatively new to blogging and haven't really met anyone through it yet but this post is really inspiring to read and motivates me to keep going!xxx

    Shakira / Shakira Sacks

    1. Aw I'm so glad! I didn't meet anyone for a while when I first started :) xx

  7. I completely agree with you about the opportunities blogging can open. It gave me a unique selling point for interviews as well in having something in my spare time that is both productive and positive!


    1. It's so nice to have something productive as a hobby isn't it? xx

  8. What a lovely post, I actually feel the same about blogging so can certainly relate to all this!

    Gemma x

    1. Glad you agree, thanks Gemma. Hope you have a good day :) xx

  9. I so agree with you with self confidence and making us better persons, for sure! And meeting lovely people! I met some that really changed my life, I must say. Actually blogging did it too, to a great extent. Loved your post, agree with it! Hope you have a nice week!

    1. So glad you agree, I'm glad you've met people through blogging who have changed your life! xx

  10. I loved reading this post, blogging really changes your life, doesn't it. And don't worry about recycling photos, I sometimes change feature pictures of old posts to use the picture in a new post hoping that no one will notice haha. I know what you mean, blogging just opens your eyes and it made me realise how beautiful uniqueness and craziness is. And it has taught me so much about others. I also love being part of the community, there are so many lovely bloggers out there xx

    1. I'm glad it's not just me haha! Such a lovely community to be a part of isn't it :) xx

  11. I think my blogging gainz are very similar to yours :) Glad it's bring you so much positivity!

    Corinne x

    1. Well if yours are the same then I'm glad it's brought you so much positivity too :) xx

  12. Ah this is such a lovely post - I love how blogging has evolved and how more people are finding it as a way to enjoy themselves and express themselves in ways that were not possible before. People seem to find so much confidence and it's really lovely to see! :)

    Layla xx

    1. It is such a lovely thing to see isn't it, I love how blogging seems to be empowering people! xx

  13. Aw I loved reading this! I definitely can relate to all of these. Blogging has helped me so much. I definitely think it has helped me to be less judgemental and more open to other people, because you meet such a range of different people with different stories, that it really does open up your eyes to the world and what people go through. Great post xx

    Lauren |

    1. I'm so glad you can relate to this and yes everything you say is so true :) xx

  14. Blogging has left a similar effect on me! I never had a hobby before I started blogging and now I cannot live without it! Having a blog has made me a happier person since I get to talk to lots of people and read all of their amazing content. Such a lovely post to read :)

    Sarah | What Sarah Writes | Giveaway

    1. Thanks Sarah, I'm glad blogging has made you a happier person, it definitely has me too! xx

  15. I love the points you've covered and I can truly say I agree with every one and each of them. Especially the confidence, I've never really thought about that but now I can surely say blogging gave me so much confidence and self worth. Thanks for sharing, I wish you and your family a very peaceful and joyful Christmas! Dominica from xXx

    1. I'm so glad blogging has given you confidence and self worth, that's great! Thank you so much, hope you have a lovely Christmas too :) xx

  16. Blogging has been amazing for my networking skills. I used to find it so awkward to talk to people over the internet but now it's as normal as talking to people I've known forever! Love the post!

    Alisha |

    1. I used to find that awkward too, but once you've done it a few times it's so normal like you say! xx


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