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Embracing Your Personal Style

Embracing Your Personal Style

Posted on: Sunday 6 November 2016

Thoughts that used to go through my head when I got dressed in the morning:
Do I look nice?
Will other people think I look nice?

Thoughts that go through my head now when I get dressed in the morning:
Am I going to be comfortable?
Do I like how I look?

I've harped on before about how important I think personal style is and that we should all appreciate each others' style individuality. It took me a while to properly find my personal style and when I did I don't think I really embraced it straight away. I knew how I wanted to dress, but I carefully curated it to be more on trend, in other words I dressed how I thought other people would want me to dress.

Why would I have ever thought that anyone else would care how I was dressed?

I've felt very much in the past couple of years that the acceptance of a lot of things comes with time and age and embracing my personal style has been one of them. I'm much more comfortable in my style and to be honest don't give a flying **** what anyone else thinks about the way I dress. I even found it pretty funny when a girl in the street told her friend she thought it looked like I was wearing pyjamas. Yes, that really happened.

I think people are more judgmental when you're younger - girls say nasty things at school and you feel like you have to try to fit in to avoid that, but the only people who will judge you for what you wear are people like that girl in the street and she's not really someone whose opinion I value.

So I'm not preaching at you to embrace your personal style because I know it can be difficult if you're in a judgmental atmosphere, but what I am saying is that the time will come when you can embrace it and you'll feel great about that. Maybe you already have and that's pretty darn brilliant.

Amy x


  1. Tgis was so refreshing to read, I think it can take a long time sometimes to become comfortable enough in your own skin to embrace fully your own style without caring what anyone else thinks but when you get there, it's amazing isn't it? :)

    Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog

    1. I'm so glad you enjoyed it - it really is great when you get to that point :) xx

  2. I am still at the stage where I continuously ask myself what other people will think of me! But I'm working on it as I would love to dress more for myself :)

    Sarah x

    1. Yeah I think at your age I was still at that stage too! You should definitely dress for yourself but it is difficult! xx

  3. I'm coming to this realisation too. Not so much about what other people think, but about the things I know I feel good in. I like to think I'm a smarter shopper these days!


    1. Yeah same - I won't wear a trend if it doesn't suit me and things like that! xx

  4. this was a really wonderful post. Ive always had people say mean comments and even now at university i occasionally get the immature silly giggles or snide insults but it's something that's never bothered me. i believe insults from others is usually a reflection of their own insecurities. i know so many people however, that struggle with embracing their style and I really hope more and more people can learn to love their own likes and dislikes and not worry about what others think.

    1. That's so good that you don't let it bother you - 100% agree that people only insult others because of their own insecurities! xx

  5. Lovely post Amy. Everyone should embrace their own style. I am not one to keep with the current styles. Life is too short to worry about trivial things. You look fabulous. Feel free to share some of your posts at Dishing it & Digging It. Meet new people and have fun!

    1. Thank you :) Definitely, everyone should dress exactly how they want to! xx

  6. Very wise words - I think we can all relate to having spent WAY too much time in the past thinking about how we'll be perceived by others based on what we're wearing. There's something liberating about dressing for yourself and only yourself! Personally, I love your personal style; it screams of confidence :)

    1. Aw thank you I'm so glad you think that! I do feel more confident since I've stopped caring about what other people think of my style! xx

  7. Really nice content. It's important to have your personal style because it involves your personal preference. Whether it'll be which you think looks best and which ones are comfortable. Most of all, it should express who you are.

    Joyce | Joycentricity

    1. Thank you Joyce I'm glad you share this opinion :) xx

  8. Love this post. I bought some really 'out there' items recently and was super self-conscious to wear them outside but once I did I got so many compliments and felt great in my own style!

    Abigail Alice x

    1. Ah that's so good you took the plunge and wore them, good for you! xx

  9. Yes Amy!! I love this, I remember so vividly having a f**k it moment when I was 17 and walked into school in a really "me" outfit expecting so much crap from everybody but I think they actually respected me being myself, wearing I wanted and not giving a damn. It completely changed my thoughts on personal style!


    1. Aw that's so nice it happened for you so young too! I think people do respect you more for just being you! xx

  10. Loved the post, you are so right! I love the outfit too. Your jeans and bag are just gorgeous! Have a lovely day!

    Gemma x

    1. Thank you Gemma :) I'm obsessed with these jeans! Hope you have a lovely day too xx

  11. I remember feeling self conscious when I was younger. Carefully selecting my clothes on non uniform day trying to make the best impression. Back then it's all about fitting in rather than expressing yourself. Now I don't even plan my outfits, I just wear what I feel like that morning. Which is a pain when I'm away because I end up taking too many clothes, haha

    Corinne x

    1. Ah non uniform days were the worst! You're so right - it was all about fitting in back then! xx

  12. I used to be so self-conscious about the way I dressed! Now I am in the stage where I wear whatever makes me feel happy and think suits me!

    1. That's great, I love that so many people who have commented on this are at that stage! xx

  13. Love this post especially what you wrote at the top, I defo agree I always think now am I going to be comfortable ha, when were younger we do care more about what people think and fitting in


    1. I'm glad you like it - I definitely used to care more about fitting in! xx

  14. These are really wise words and yes, I think we spent years growing up and trying to conform and in the process, we lost our personal style. It also has lots to do with confidence, these days I dress for myself and I wear makeup also for myself instead of wanting to please others.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. That's so great, I'm so glad you're at that stage and you're right, it has a lot to do with confidence and not worrying what others think! xx

  15. Firstly lady I LOVE your hair in this post! Secondly that outfit is on point - love the layering and the embroidered detailing too!

    Hayley xo

    1. Thanks so much Hayley I've been doing my hair like this so often recently :) xx

  16. I totally agree with you, I think we should dress for ourselves, but these days there is a lot of pressure to be a "certain kind of person". One buys a D & G piece and 500k people want the same, cause the name suggests status and "I am powerful". Not this brand in particular, but many others. I liked your embroidered jeans, you look very beautiful! Hope you have a nice week!

    1. Yes, we should definitely dress for ourselves despite the pressure! I think it's probably harder for younger people xx

  17. Stunning outfit and photographs dear, thanks for sharing! Wishing you a wonderful week!

    Faye .x


    1. Thank you so much, hope you have a great week xx

  18. I really love your outfit especially the jeans.

    1. Thank you, I'm in these jeans constantly at the moment! Xx


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